
Center for Criminal Justice and Professional Responsibility

Main Content

The Duke Center for Criminal Justice and Professional Responsibility is devoted to the promotion of justice in criminal cases and to teaching and training students, lawyers, prosecutors, judges, and the general public to identify, remedy, and prevent the wrongful conviction of innocent people.

The center pursues these goals through a series of coordinated academic, advocacy, and public activities: through courses offered to high school, college, and law students; professional seminars and conferences; published papers; extra-curricular programs; and public education. Duke Law School's Wrongful Convictions Clinic and student-run Innocence Project represent the center’s chief teaching components.

Contact Us

Center for Criminal Justice and Professional Responsibility

210 Science Drive
Box 90362
Durham, NC 27708-0362
Fax: 919-613-7262

Call to Action Content

To initiate review of an innocence case, please send a letter to the Center for Criminal Justice and Professional Responsibility c/o the Duke Law Innocence Project® with as much detail as possible. A case review does not guarantee that a full investigation or litigation in the case will be pursued. Each case will be considered individually and a decision regarding future steps, if any, will be communicated to the claimant.