Social Event Between local Duke Law Alumni and students interested in Environmental Law

November 14, 2012 • 6:30 PM • Law School 3000

The objectives of the reception are to introduce students to the Bar and its benefits, and to attorneys that practice environmental, energy and natural-resources law. We will use this opportunity to talk to students about the benefits of joining the Bar and what life is like as an attorney that specializes in environmental, energy and natural-resources law. The atmosphere of the reception will be informal. Our section will provide pizza and soft drinks as a mild inducement for the students to attend. We will start the reception with welcoming remarks by section chair Grady Shields, followed by a short, informal presentation by Ken Taylor, State Geologist and a member of the State Mining and Energy Commission. Ken will talk about shale gas and the activities of the commission. For more information, contact Ryke Longest at