
Event Recognizes Faculty Authors

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Dozens of faculty members, students and staff gathered in Burdman Lounge on Apr. 15 for the third annual Celebration of Faculty Scholarship, an event that honors faculty for the books they have written during the year.

At the celebration, a dozen faculty members presented brief overviews of the scholarship of their peers. Professor Deborah DeMott, who helped introduce the event, said its purpose is both to highlight the work of professors and to acknowledge the assistance of the Law Library in that work.

Mark Bernstein, Deputy Director of the Law Library, said writing a book is a noteworthy accomplishment that deserves special recognition. “A book is a lengthy, majestic piece of work,” he said, adding that the event also provides recognition for the research work and other assistance provided by the Library staff.

At the celebration, Dean Katharine Bartlett presented Professor Laura Underkuffler the Dean’s Prize for Faculty Scholarship for her 2003 book, The Idea of Property: Its Meaning and Power. Bartlett described the book as “nuanced, careful and profound.”

Other faculty authors honored yesterday and the books they wrote are:

Dean Bartlett:

  • Gender and Law: Theory, Doctrine, Commentary (3d ed.)
  • Principles of the Law of Family Dissolution: Analysis and Recommendation

Doriane Coleman:

  • Fixing Columbine: The Challenge to American Liberalism

Peter Fish:

  • Federal Justice in the Mid-Atlantic South: United States Courts From Maryland to the Carolinas, 1789-1835

Ralf Michaels:

  • Assigning Ownership through Contracts of Sales: Consent, Delivery, ius ad rem in History, Theory and Current Law

Robert Mosteller

  • Evidence: Cases and Materials (6th ed.)

Jeff Powell

  • A Community Built on Words: The Constitution in History and Politics
  • The President’s Authority Over Foreign Affairs: An Essay in Constitutional Interpretation
  • Our Chief Magistrate and His Powers: William Howard Taft (orig. ed. 1916) (editor)

Thomas Rowe

  • Federal Courts in the 21st Century: Cases and Materials (2d ed.)

Steven Schwarcz

  • Structured Finance: A guide to the Principles of Asset Securitization (3d ed.) (also published in Spanish and Korean editions)

William Van Alstyne

  • The American First Amendment in the Twenty-First Century: Cases and Materials (3d ed.)