National Security under a New Administration
April 16-17, 2009
Duke University
Durham, North Carolina
To view streaming videos of the Conference sessions, click on the Conference Program link to the right (requires RealPlayer).
Sponsored by:
- The Center on Law, Ethics and National Security
- Center for International and Comparative Law
- Program in Public Law
all of Duke University School of Law
with the generous support of
- Duke University's Vice Provost for International Affairs and Development
- Terry Sanford Institute of Public Policy
All panel sessions will be held in Geneen Auditorium in the Fuqua School of Business; all meals will be in the R. David Thomas Center
As the Obama administration begins its second month, it must deal not only with a troubled economy but also with a host of significant national security issues. The President has ordered the closure of the Guantanamo Bay detention facility, but the question remains as to what to do with the detainees currently being held there. Is the current organization of the intelligence community the best for ensuring the timely and accurate gathering of much needed intelligence information? With continued reports of lawlessness along our border with Mexico, are our immigration policies consistent with our national security interests? Using a format of six panels and three meal speakers, our conference will be examining these and a number of other security issues facing the new administration. To do this, we have assembled a prestigious group of scholars, policymakers and commentators who will take an interdisciplinary approach to all these issues from both a legal and a policy perspective.