441A.01 Advanced Start-Up Ventures Clinic

The Advanced Start-Up Ventures Clinic is for students who have already completed a semester in the Start-Up Ventures Clinic (Law 441) and wish to continue their experiential education in the start-up space, whether it be a to-be-determined project on a specific area of entrepreneurial law, or working with a specific client or in a specific industry. Typically, the course is two credits and permission to take the Advanced Start-Up Ventures Clinic must be approved by the Clinic Director. 

Fall 2021

Course Number Course Credits Evaluation Method Instructor
Group project(s)
Practical exercises
Live-client representation and case management
Class participation
Bryan McGann, Thomas Williams
Degree Requirements
Course Requirements - JD
Course Requirements - JD-LLM-LE
Course Requirements - Public Interest
Course Areas of Practice