770.01 Research Methods in Chinese Law and Policy

This course intends to cover three modules: researching the Chinese legal system, researching legal and political authorities in China, and specialized law and policy research topics. Students will receive a toolkit to research a wide range of topics on mainland China, covering important resources and tactics in law and policy-related fields at both the general and granular levels. Students interested in learning about the fundamental legal framework and the methodologies and tools available for carrying out theoretical and practical Chinese legal studies may find this course useful. Students will be assessed on the basis of class participation, in-class exercises, homework assignments, and a final project. JD, LLM, and other Graduate or Professional Students at Duke are welcome to take this course. 

Fall 2023

Course Number Course Credits Evaluation Method Instructor
Course Credits
Group project(s)
Practical exercises
Class participation
Alex Zhang
Canvas site: https://canvas.duke.edu/courses/9726
Degree Requirements
Course Requirements - JD
Course Requirements - LLM
Course Requirements - LLM-ICL
Course Areas of Practice
Course Areas of Practice