201.01 Legal Writing: Craft & Style

Legal Writing: Craft & Style is a two-credit boot camp for 2L JDs who want to work towards acquiring professional-level writing and editing skills. Through weekly writing projects, students will master the line-editing techniques for creating optimal sentences and paragraphs. Through intensive study, practice, and an exit exam, students will master the essentials of grammar, usage, and copyediting expected of professional writers. Finally, each student will deploy these skills by creating two pieces of original writing commonly expected of young lawyers: a client letter and a client update on a development in the law. Throughout the course, students will have individual support and feedback for their work.

Special Notes:

2L JDs Only

Fall 2024

Course Number Course Credits Evaluation Method Instructor
Course Credits
Practical exercises
Class participation
Kendall Gray
Canvas site: https://canvas.duke.edu/courses/41567
Degree Requirements
Course Requirements - JD
Course Requirements - LLM
Course Areas of Practice