
Carolinas Legal Research and Writing Colloquium

Main Content

When: May 15, 2015
Time: Beginning at 8:00 AM
Location: Duke Law School, room 3037

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The Carolinas Legal Research and Writing Colloquium is a biennial meeting of legal research and writing professors from law schools in North and South Carolina and elsewhere. The program will address various topics of interest in teaching lawyering skills, providing academic support to students, and administering legal research and writing programs. The event is sponsored by Duke Law's Legal Analysis, Research, and Writing Program. For more information, please email Jeremy Mullem.

Tentative agenda

Download the tentative agenda





For more information, please email Jeremy Mullem.


A block of rooms is reserved for the Carolinas Legal Research and Writing Colloquium at the Hilton Garden Inn on Main Street for Thursday and/or Friday night at $129/night (that rate is only guaranteed until April 20th). Book your room


Parking will be available in the Science Drive Visitor Lot, located on Science Drive, between 751 and Whitford Drive, directly across from the Fuqua School of Business. Additional parking will be available in the Bryan Center parking deck (Garage 4), adjacent to the Bryan Center on Science Drive. Due to the limited number of available spaces in both areas, carpooling is strongly recommended. Parking in the Visitor lot is $6 for the entire day.  For further information, visit the Duke Parking website.


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