Careers in International Law: The Legal Adviser's Office of the US Department of State - coffee & conversation with Susan Biniaz
October 27, 2016 • 4:30 PM • Law School 4172
Join Susan Biniaz, the U.S. State Department's lead attorney for international environmental law (State/L/OES), for a conversation about her career with the Office of Legal Adviser. Ms. Biniaz has been in the legal adviser's office at the State Department since 1984 and has served as the principal lawyer on the climate change negotiations since 1989. She has worked on legal issues related to the Middle East, diplomatic law, and outer space before turning to oceans, environmental, and scientific affairs, which has remained her specialization. After heading the legal Office for European Affairs, she headed the Oceans, Environment, and Science legal office for many years before becoming a deputy legal adviser. Ms. Biniaz will discuss her work and offer advice to students interested in careers with the U.S. government and, particularly, the U.S. State Department. Coffee & cookies will be provided. Sponsored by the Center for Comparative and International Law, JD-LLM Program, and the Environmental Institution's Seminar Series. Space is limited. RSVP to Ali Prince at