Dinner and Movie Night: 100 Years: One Woman's Fight for Justice
March 06, 2024 • 6:10 PM • Law School 3041
100 Years: One Woman's Fight for Justice tells the story of Elouise Cobell, a Blackfeet Warrior, who filed the largest class action lawsuit ever against the federal government for 100 years of broken promises. When the U.S. Government broke up Indian Reservations and allotted millions of acres to Native Americans, it promised to manage the land and set up the Indian Trust Fund to disburse revenues generated by mining, oil, gas, and timber leases. The government was supposed to manage the Indian Trust, but instead cheated Indian families out of billions of dollars. Join us for a screening of the documentary and comments by Professor Vickie Sutton of Texas Tech and Professor Ryke Longest, who are co-teaching Indigenous Justice this semester. Sponsored by the Environmental Law Clinic, the Office of Public Interest and Pro Bono, and GPS. RSVP Here: https://duke.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_ac26LCfe7BlyVW6 For questions, please contact Holly Dorfman at had11@duke.edu.