Duke Law Spring Break Israel Trip Info Session
October 16, 2017 • 12:30 PM • Law School 3037
Ever want to go to Israel? Have spring break plans? Come learn about the 3rd annual Duke Law Spring Break Israel Trip! Each year a group of students plan a student-led privately funded trip to Israel during spring break. The trip is nearly fully funded (students are only responsible for own flight tickets and a small security deposit). It is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to tour a culturally, historically, and politically fascinating (and challenging) country, and meet with some of the region's most important movers and shakers, including parliament members, military generals, and a Supreme Court Justice. Learn more at this event. All students (including LLMs, SJDs, and visiting scholars) are invited! Lunch will be provided. Sponsored by Duke Law Israel Experience. For more information, please contact Jeremy Iloulian at jeremy.iloulian@duke.edu.