Future Leaders Informal Meet-Up

March 02, 2021 • 6:00 PM • Virtual

Join us for an opportunity to chat with 2Ls and 3Ls who have held a variety of leadership positions and to meet other 1Ls who are interested in leadership next year. You don't have to be committed to anything yet. So much of what makes Duke Law special is an outgrowth of good personal and professional relationships. Topics will include: balancing your workload, job/clerkship applications, and leadership obligations, getting involved outside of Duke Law, and academic and legal work ways to get involved in the community, like clinics, pro bono, etc. We know that Zoom fatigue is real, so feel free to be comfortable for this event. Comfy clothes, food, drinks, and cute pets are encouraged. Sponsored by 1GP, APALSA, BLSA, JLSA, LALSA, OutLaw, and WOCC. Zoom Link: https://duke.zoom.us/j/95991198557. For more information, please contact Garmai Gorlorwulu at gjg12@duke.edu.