Guns, Democracy, and Elections
February 09, 2021 • 12:30 PM • Virtual
The 2020 election and its aftermath have raised new questions about the role and place of firearms in election-related activities and democratic institutions. Join us for a discussion about the laws regulating firearms around polling places, near political protests and demonstrations, and by groups purporting to act as a militia. The panelists will be: Mary McCord, Legal Director at the Institute for Constitutional Advocacy and Protection (ICAP) and Visiting Professor of Law at Georgetown University Law Center; Alan Chen, Thompson G. Marsh Law Alumni Professor of Law, University of Denver Sturm College of Law; and Timothy Zick, John Marshall Professor of Government and Citizenship, William & Mary Law School. The discussion will be virtual. Please register at:
Sponsored by the Duke Center for Firearms Law. Contact Theresa Boyce ( for more information.