Judging Bias by Judges
May 08, 2017 • 12:00 PM • Law School 4042
Dean Daniel Rodriguez will be speaking on "Judging Bias by Judge." Abstract: A perennial in judicial ethics and constitutional law has been the matter of whether and when judges and judicial opinions should be excoriated on the grounds that these honorable government officials have manifested illegitimate prejudice. How, if at all, should be think differently about these officials exercising judging responsibilities? My project is sketch a sensible vocabulary for assessing illegal bias, beginning, first, with the effort at asking the right questions. Moreover, I draw lessons from the emerging body of literature involving judicial behavior and action, especially that from modern neuroscience, in order to better understand what it means for judges to be impartial versus biased, influenced versus impassioned. Lunch will be provided. Sponsored by Professor McCubbins. For further information, please contact Victoria Zellefrow at victoria.zellefrow@law.duke.edu