Promoting Civil Discourse

March 03, 2021 • 12:30 PM • Virtual

How do we communicate with those with whom we disagree and move forward as a society given the evils and division of our past and present? Professor Nadine Strossen, John Marshall Harlan II Professor of Law Emerita at New York Law School and former President of the ACLU, and Mr. Greg Lukianoff, President of the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE), will discuss the importance of civil discourse and open inquiry on campuses and in society more broadly. Professor Nicole Ligon, Supervising Attorney of the Duke Law First Amendment Clinic, will moderate the discussion. Sponsored by the Duke Law Federalist Society. Co-sponsored by the Duke Political Science Department; Duke Philosophy, Politics, and Economics Program; Duke Program in American Values and Institutions; Duke First Amendment Clinic; Jewish Law Students Association; and Women Law Students Association. For more information, please contact Meredith Criner at Log in with this Webinar ID: 996 4696 0646, or this link: