Prevent. Act. Challenge. Teach.: Engaging the Law School Community in Preventing Gender Violence

February 03, 2016 • 4:00 PM • Law School Blue Lounge

PACT is an interactive training sponsored by the Women's Center that aims to engage everyone in preventing gender violence in their community. PACT Training helps students identify situations of concern, and provides knowledge and tools to encourage safe and successful interventions. Moving beyond Duke campus concerns, this law school specific training will teach from scenarios specific to the legal community, covering areas from client interactions, power dynamics in law firms, and professional responsibilities. The training will be interactive, and participation is encouraged to your comfort level. The goal is to create a safe space and empower attendees with the tools they need to act when they experience or witness gender violence in the community as well as when you work with survivors in your legal career. Monuts and coffee will be served. Sponsored by Coalition Against Gendered Violence, WLSA, SALSA, MLSA, OutLaw, LSRJ, and DJGLP. For more information, please contact Shannon Welch at