Schedule - Spring 2010
Jan. 8: Jonathan Bird, Duke University History Department, speaking on "What God Has Joined Let No Man Put Asunder: Divorce Law and Procedure in Colonial Mexico."
Feb. 5: Seymour Mauskopf, Duke University History Department, speaking on “‘A new discovery upon a new discovery’? The Nobel v. Anderson (Ballistite—Cordite) patent infringement trial of 1894.”
Feb. 26: Linda Rupert, UNC-Greensboro History Department, speaking on “‘Buscando las Aguas Sagradas del Bautismo’ (Seeking the Sacred Waters of Baptism): Legislating Inter-Colonial Marronage in the Early Modern Caribbean.”
April 16: Paul Halliday, University of Virginia, History Department, speaking on “The Constitution of Empire: The Judicial Function, 1550-1865”
All seminars are from 4-6 at the National Humanities Center. Please read the paper in advance.