5 Questions for Sophia Carter '15

Carter chose Duke Law for its small size, strong alumni network and the breadth of international law offerings.
1. Where is your hometown?
White Plains, NY. (Just outside of NYC or "upstate" as some like to call it).
2. Why did you choose Duke Law?
Besides the fact that Duke is an awesome law school, I was really attracted to Duke's small size, its strong alumni network and the breadth of its international law offerings. This is an institution that cares about its students. Also, Duke Law is among a very small cohort of law schools that allows its students to pursue dual master’s degrees in law in foreign jurisdictions. I am really interested in working on all kinds of international projects so adding a master’s degree seemed like the perfect complement to my legal studies - something that I would be able to do only at Duke.
3. When you are not at school, how do you like to spend your time?
When I am not in school, I like to spend a couple of hours at the dojo improving my Aikido skills. I have been an aikido-ka for many years and have started to develop a small specialty in weapons work. I also studied (musical) theatre intensely and although I cannot commit myself to participating in a full production like I used to, I still make sure that my piano and voice techniques do not get too rusty over time.
4. What are the three most-played songs in your music library?
I had to check this one: "Kif n' Dir" by Zaho, "Don't Speak" by No Doubt and "Hero" by Chad Kroger (Spiderman Soundtrack).
5. Tell us something about yourself that otherwise we wouldn't know or guess.
Most people don't know that I am Haitian. I am very proud of my cultural and ethnic roots and although it is not something a wear on my sleeve, I enjoy sharing my love of Haitian culture, history, politics, music and, of course, Haitian food! (I mean, that and Wesley Snipes is my second cousin.)