PUBLISHED:July 29, 2024

CLRP Hosts the 18th Annual Lutie A. Lytle Black Women Law Faculty Workshop & Writing Retreat


Scores of women have advanced their careers in the legal academy by participating in the annual workshop and retreat, which boasts an impressive alumni roster.


On June 25-30, 2024, the Duke Law Center on Law, Race & Policy (CLRP) hosted the 18th Annual Lutie A. Lytle Black Women Law Faculty Workshop & Writing Retreat.

Named for Lutie A. Lytle, the first woman law professor in the United States (and, as research suggests, the world) the Workshop has, since 2007, afforded diverse law faculty an unparalleled opportunity to prepare for the job market; develop teaching and leadership skills; hone scholarly agendas; and workshop articles, book proposals, and “ideas-in-progress.”

Since its founding, Lutie Lytle Workshop participants have published more than 1,060 articles, more than 115 book chapters, and more than 40 books. Additionally, dozens of Workshop participants have earned tenure. Others have been promoted to administrative positions, including nearly thirty law school deanships and positions as university vice provosts, provosts, and presidents. In sum, by every observable metric, the Workshop has been a resounding success.

During the Workshop, participants also met with and engaged this year’s cohort of the Duke Law Pre Law Fellowship Program, who were interested in learning more about the Workshop.

The Workshop was held in conjunction with the Lutie Legacy Society, with Duke University School of Law as the Diamond Plus Sponsor and many other sponsoring organizations.




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