PUBLISHED:December 29, 2009
The College of Labor and Employment Lawyers 2009-10 Writing Competition
The College of Labor and Employment Lawyers announces its Third Annual Writing Competition. (Visit for more information about this sponsoring organization.)
Topic: The scope of permissible topics is broad - i.e., any aspect of domestic public or private labor or employment law. Students are encouraged to present a (a) public policy issue, (b) practical implications of a leading case or doctrine, (c) comment on a statute or the need for a statutory modification, (d) comment on a common law doctrine.
Eligibility: All currently enrolled law students attending accredited law schools in the United States.
Prizes: First Prize = $1500; Second Prize = $1000; Third Prize = $500
In addition, the winner will have his/her article distributed to all Fellows with a future issue of the College newsletter and posted on the College's website. The ABA Journal of Labor & Employment Law (formerly The Labor Lawyer) has indicated a strong interest in printing the winning entry, if it meets the publication standards, which include relevance and utility to the practicing Bar. The Journal is a publication devoted to ideas and developments in labor and employment law, and published by the ABA and the Section of Labor and Employment Law. Winners will also be invited guests at the Annual Induction Dinner of the College where they will be recognized and honered during the evening program.
Guidelines for the competition are as follows:
1. Articles must be original from the applicant. Each student entrant is limited to one entry; multiple entries by the same person are expressly prohibited. In addition, they must not presently be under consideration for any other publication or written as part of paid employment.
2. All articles are to be submitted in the following format:
a. Typewritten, in Word format, with computer disk attached, or submitted by e-mail to (please reference "Writing Competition" in subject line);
b. Double-spaced;
c. On 8 1/2 inch by 11 inch paper, 1 inch margins;
d. Entries should be between 10 and 20 pages in length (inclusive of endnotes); and,
e. Citations are to conform to "A Uniform System of Citation" (The Bluebook)
3. All articles must be e-mailed by no later than 5:00 p.m. (pdst) on May 14, 2010 or post marked no later than May 1, 2010. Articles sent after that date will not be considered. Please send all submissions to: Susan Wan, Executive Director, The College of Labor & Employment Lawyers, 1050 Connecticut Avenue, NW, Suite 300, Washington, DC 20036-5306.
4. If published by the College, the articles become the property of the College. No submitted articles may be published elsewhere until after the announcement of the winners fo this competition. Announcement of the winners will be made at least 30 days in advance of the Annual Induction Dinner of the College to permit the winners to attend the Induction Dinner as guests of the College.
5. Include a title page with your entry stating your name, mailing address and phone number (both school and permanent), name of school and year of graduation.
6. Applicant must be enrolled in an accredited law school at the time of submission.
Papers will be evaluated and judged on the following standards: topic; analysis; grammar, spelling, usage & syntax; clarity and overall structure; and the overall appearance of the paper. The College of Labor and Employment Lawyers reserves the right not to award and/or to reject any or all submissions.
Topic: The scope of permissible topics is broad - i.e., any aspect of domestic public or private labor or employment law. Students are encouraged to present a (a) public policy issue, (b) practical implications of a leading case or doctrine, (c) comment on a statute or the need for a statutory modification, (d) comment on a common law doctrine.
Eligibility: All currently enrolled law students attending accredited law schools in the United States.
Prizes: First Prize = $1500; Second Prize = $1000; Third Prize = $500
In addition, the winner will have his/her article distributed to all Fellows with a future issue of the College newsletter and posted on the College's website. The ABA Journal of Labor & Employment Law (formerly The Labor Lawyer) has indicated a strong interest in printing the winning entry, if it meets the publication standards, which include relevance and utility to the practicing Bar. The Journal is a publication devoted to ideas and developments in labor and employment law, and published by the ABA and the Section of Labor and Employment Law. Winners will also be invited guests at the Annual Induction Dinner of the College where they will be recognized and honered during the evening program.
Guidelines for the competition are as follows:
1. Articles must be original from the applicant. Each student entrant is limited to one entry; multiple entries by the same person are expressly prohibited. In addition, they must not presently be under consideration for any other publication or written as part of paid employment.
2. All articles are to be submitted in the following format:
a. Typewritten, in Word format, with computer disk attached, or submitted by e-mail to (please reference "Writing Competition" in subject line);
b. Double-spaced;
c. On 8 1/2 inch by 11 inch paper, 1 inch margins;
d. Entries should be between 10 and 20 pages in length (inclusive of endnotes); and,
e. Citations are to conform to "A Uniform System of Citation" (The Bluebook)
3. All articles must be e-mailed by no later than 5:00 p.m. (pdst) on May 14, 2010 or post marked no later than May 1, 2010. Articles sent after that date will not be considered. Please send all submissions to: Susan Wan, Executive Director, The College of Labor & Employment Lawyers, 1050 Connecticut Avenue, NW, Suite 300, Washington, DC 20036-5306.
4. If published by the College, the articles become the property of the College. No submitted articles may be published elsewhere until after the announcement of the winners fo this competition. Announcement of the winners will be made at least 30 days in advance of the Annual Induction Dinner of the College to permit the winners to attend the Induction Dinner as guests of the College.
5. Include a title page with your entry stating your name, mailing address and phone number (both school and permanent), name of school and year of graduation.
6. Applicant must be enrolled in an accredited law school at the time of submission.
Papers will be evaluated and judged on the following standards: topic; analysis; grammar, spelling, usage & syntax; clarity and overall structure; and the overall appearance of the paper. The College of Labor and Employment Lawyers reserves the right not to award and/or to reject any or all submissions.