Duke Law Podcast | "The Battle for Your Brain" and a right to cognitive liberty
As a new dawn of brain tracking and hacking approaches, Prof. Nita Farahany argues for codifying a right to cognitive liberty in her new book "The Battle for Your Brain."
In this episode of The Duke Law Podcast, Nita Farahany, the Robinson O. Everett Professor of Law and director of Duke Science & Society, discusses her new book, "The Battle for Your Brain." She unpacks the legal and privacy issues inherent to a widespread rollout of consumer-based, wearable neurotech and makes a case for codifying an international human right to cognitive liberty.
Clinical Professor Jeff Ward, director of the Duke Center on Law & Tech and an expert on the legal and societal ethics of artificial intelligence, is the guest host for this episode of The Duke Law Podcast.
Click here to purchase and download The Battle for Your Brain.
Click here to view a transcript.
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- The Duke Law Podcast is a monthly podcast produced during the fall and spring semesters at Duke University School of Law. Click here to view other podcasts produced at Duke Law.