
Duke Law: Global Capital Markets

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Global Capital Markets Center to Launch Directors’ Education Institute at Duke

In response to corporate scandals and subsequent regulatory initiatives designed to prevent recurrences, the Global Capital Markets Center is launching a directors’ education program. The Directors' Education Institute at Duke University will kick off October 21-23, 2002 with the first in a series of conferences that will bring academic experts from both Duke Law School and The Fuqua School of Business together with policymakers, corporate executives and representatives from the legal and financial services industries. Discussions will focus on ethics, improving corporate governance, addressing fiduciary duties and director education. Featured speakers include Richard Grasso, chairman and CEO of the New York Stock Exchange, Harvey L. Pitt, chairman of the Securities & Exchange Commission; Leo C. O'Neill, president of Standard & Poor's Corp. and Leo F. Strine Jr., vice chancellor of the Delaware Court of Chancery. Additional conferences of the Directors' Education Institute program are scheduled for March 2003 at Duke and July 2003 at the Duke-Geneva Institute in Transnational Law in Switzerland. For more information and registration, please visit