Maya El-Sharif ’27 prevails in final round of the Jessup Cup

Maya El-Sharif ’27 edged out Evan Ortiz ’26 in the final round of the 2024 Intramural Jessup Cup Competition.
El-Sharif successfully argued for the applicant in Republic of Antrano v. the Kingdom of Remisia, a closed-universe international law problem concerning alleged violations of international law.
The finalists argued before a fictional International Court of Justice consisting of Rachel Brewster, the Jeffrey and Bettysue Hughes Distinguished Professor of Law; Jillian Rafferty, Clinical Fellow for the International Human Rights Clinic; and Jim Saranteas, a veteran litigator and longtime appellate advocacy coach.
The Jessup tournament is sponsored by the Moot Court Board each fall and is open to all enrolled students, including LLMs. The 2024 Jessup Cup coordinators were Maame Adu JD/LLM ’26, Jared Danaher ’26, Katherine French ’25, and Joelle Jarjoura JD/LLM ’26. Rachel Gu ’25 is president of the Moot Court Board.
In addition to El-Sharif and Ortiz (pictured with the judges), this year’s tournament quarterfinalists were Aakshi Agarwal ’27, Talia Bergerson ’27, Gwyneth Bernier ’27, Christian Ross ’26, Emily Spears ’27, and Henry Valentine ’26. Agarwal, Bergerson, El-Sharif, and Spears have accepted invitations to join the Moot Court Board.