Videos tagged with Christopher H. Schroeder

  • A discussion for the law community with panelists Professor Walter Dellinger, Professor Neil Siegel, Professor Guy Charles, Professor Chris Schroeder, Professor Stephen Sachs and Professor David Schanzer on the constitutional and legal framework surrounding the recent executive orders issued by the new administration.

    Recorded on January 31, 2017

    Co-sponsored by Outlaw, Muslim Law Students Association, and Duke Bar Association.

  • A panel discussion featuring Duke Law Professors Stuart Benjamin and Chris H. Schroeder, Maryland Law Professor David Gray, and Intel Global Privacy Officer David A. Hoffman discussing recent dust-ups between the U.S. Department of Justice and tech firms like Microsoft and Apple. The panel considers the best legal arguments available to the parties in their respective cases, the role of the telecommunications and technology industry in the privacy debates, and implications for national security and international business interests.

  • A discussion with Professors Neil S. Siegel and Christopher H. Schroeder of Duke Law and Professor William P. Marshall of UNC Law on the process, pitfalls, and potential reforms surrounding the Supreme Court's vacancy following the death of Justice Antonin Scalia.

    Sponsored by the American Constitution Society.

  • The 2015 LENS Conference, Law in the Age of 'Forever War', focuses on the legal issues that accompany warfare in a time when technology, relationships between nations, and the abilities of non-state actors to affect the international stage, are all changing rapidly. Speakers address some of the difficult issues that have come to define modern law as it relates to warfare: targeting, surveillance, home-grown terrorism, intelligence gathering in the digital age, ensuring human rights and civil liberties.

  • Do Members of Congress take the U.S. Constitution seriously? Do they attempt to shape their actions to what the Constitution says? Do they instead shape what the Constitution says so that it supports their actions (and condemns the actions of their opponents)? Or do they largely disregard the Constitution? Duke professors Chris Schroeder and Neil Siegel and UNC professor Michael Gerhardt discuss these questions from both an historical and a contemporary perspective. They also address the potential role of judicial review in bringing about the current state of affairs.

  • Panelists with extensive expertise in the legal academy and the executive branch discuss the intersection of executive power and national security law.

    Moderator: Prof. Maggie Lemos, Duke Law School
    Prof. Christopher Schroeder, Duke Law School
    Prof. H. Jefferson Powell, Duke Law School
    Prof. Neil Kinkopf, Georgia State University College of Law

    Panel title: Presidential Power & National Security

    Recorded as part of the 2014 LENS Conference: LAWshaping in National Security: The Past, the Progress, and the Path Ahead.

  • Panel presentations and discussion on domestic surveillance.

    Recorded on April 12, 2007.

    Conference title: Confronting Terrorism Here and Abroad: Which Way Forward? (Law, Ethics and National Security Conference 2007)

    Appearing: Neil J. Kinkopf (Georgia State University), moderator ; Christopher Schroeder (Duke University School of Law), Mary DeRosa (Center for Strategic and International Studies), William C. Banks (Syracuse University), and Michael W. Lewis (Northern Ohio University), panelists.

  • Recorded on April 16, 2009.

    Law, Ethics and National Security Conference.

    Appearing: Chris Schroeder, chair ; William C. Banks, Michael Davidson, and Melissa Goodman, speakers.

  • Panel discussion on environmental law, preemption, anti-discrimination, and criminal-related cases appearing before the Supreme Court.

    Recorded on November 17, 2008.

    Appearing: Christopher Schroeder, Ernest Young, Katharine Bartlett, and Lisa Griffin, panelists.

  • Recorded on November 05, 2008.

    Appearing: Christopher H. Schroeder (Charles S. Murphy Professor of Law and Public Policy Studies), moderator ; Guy Uriel Charles (Visiting Professor, Duke University School of Law), John Aldrich (Duke University Pfizer-Pratt Professor of Political Science), and Dean Debnam (Public Policy Polling), panelists.

  • A discussion of the impact of the November 2012 election on the future of the Supreme Court.

    Recorded on October 22, 2008.

    Full title: Counting to Five: What the 2008 Election Will Mean for the Supreme Court.

    Appearing: Goodwin Liu (Berkeley Law) and Christopher Schroeder (Duke University School of Law), speakers.

  • Professors Christopher Schroeder, Curtis Bradley, Guy Charles, and Ernest A. Young discuss the most significant decisions of the past term of the U.S. Supreme Court. Sponsored by the Program in Public Law.

    Recorded on September 17, 2008.

  • Opening comments and Panel I of the conference Combating Terrorism: Charting the Course for a New Administration, held April 10-11, 2008, Duke University, Durham N.C.

    Recorded on April 10, 2008.

    Law, Ethics and National Security Conference.

    Appearing: Opening remarks. Scott L. Silliman, speaker ; Panel 1. Christopher H. Schroeder, chair ; Nadia Naviwala, Scott Horton, Stephen Hedger and David Hammond, panelists.

  • The Program in Public Law presents The Fourteenth Amendment: The Framing of America's Second Constitution with Professor Garrett Epps, the Orlando John and Marian H. Hollis Professor of Law at the University of Oregon School of Law. His book, "Democracy reborn : the Fourteenth Amendment and the fight for equal rights in post-Civil War America," is the basis for today's talk.

    Recorded on February 14, 2008.

    Full title: The Fourteenth Amendment: The Framing of America's Second Constitution.

  • What catapults a case into the media spotlight? Who is responsible for focusing media and public attention on a particular case? Once a case gains high-profile status, what are the professional and ethical roles and responsibilities of members of the media, the bar, and the institutions involved? How do media balance their First Amendment right to watch over the operation of government with the rights of the accused?

  • In 1999, the city of New London, Connecticut started developing plans for its run-down Fort Trumbull neighborhood adjacent to its glistening new Pfizer research facility. While many were excited by the plans for a mixed-use development that would hopefully resurrect this economically disadvantaged city, others were upset by the plans which called for forcibly removing those residents who lived there. One home owner in particular -- Susette Kelo -- refused to move and led the fight to save her neighborhood. Her struggles eventually led to the Supreme Court.

  • In 2006, the Supreme Court blocked President Bush's plan to use military commissions to try detainees being held at Guantanamo Bay. Congress responded by giving the President new statutory authority to use military commissions by enacting the Military Commissions Act of 2006. Panelists discuss legal issues raised by the statute. Sponsored by the Center for International & Comparative Law (CICL) and the Program in Public Law.

    Recorded on February 12, 2007.

    Full title: The Military Commissions Act of 2006: Outstanding Legal Issues.

  • The Program in Public Law presents Media Coverage of the Duke Lacrosse Case, with Jack Ford. Mr. Ford is a Senior Anchor for Court TV.

    Recorded on February 07, 2007.

    Appearing: Christopher Schroeder (Duke University School of Law), introducer. Jack Ford (Court TV), speaker.

  • Formerly of the United States Foreign Relations Committee, Peter Galbraith has recently published, The End of Iraq: How American Incompetence Created a War Without End.

    Recorded on October 18, 2006.

    Full title: Practical Politics & the Law: Ambassador Peter Galbraith.

    Appearing: Christopher Schroeder (Duke Law School), introducer: Peter Galbraith (US Ambassador), speaker.

  • Duke Law professors and constitutional law scholars Erwin Chemerinsky, Neil Siegel, Robert Mosteller, and Christopher Schroeder discuss current issues of the US Supreme Court.

    Recorded on August 28, 2006.

    Panel titled: Supreme Court Preview What to Anticipate in the Upcoming Term.

    Appearing: Christopher H. Schroeder (Duke Law), moderator ; Neil S. Siegel (Duke Law), panelist ; Erwin Chemerinsky (Duke Law), panelist ; Robert P. Mosteller (Duke Law), panelist.

  • Sponsored by Duke University's Program in Public Law, this panel consisting of Curtis Bradley, Walter Dellinger, Eric Posner, and Trevor Morrison discuss the problems that come from presidential signing statements.

    Recorded on August 21, 2006.

    Full title: Presidential Signing Statements: What Is the Problem With Them?.

  • The Program in Public Law presents Constitution Day: The Constitution and the War on Terror, a panel discussion.

    Recorded on September 18, 2006.

    Full title: Constitution Day: The Constitution & the War on Terror.

    Appearing: Chris Schroeder (Duke University School of Law), Jeff Powell (Duke University School of Law), Scott Silliman (Duke University School of Law), panelists.

  • Recorded on April 21, 2006.

    Law, Ethics and National Security Conference.

    Appearing: Christopher Schroeder, chair ; John R. Schmidt, Neil J. Kinkopf, Greg T. Nojeim and Andrew C. McCarthy, speakers.

  • Recorded on April 20, 2006.

    Law, Ethics and National Security Conference.

    Appearing: Scott Silliman, Christopher Schroeder, speakers.

  • The Program in Public Law invites you to a discussion of the most significant cases pending before the Supreme Court this Term.

    Recorded on January 25, 2006.

    Appearing: Christopher Schroeder (Duke University School of Law), Erwin Chemerinsky (Duke University School of Law), and Neil Siegel (Duke University School of Law).