Videos tagged with Ernest A. Young

  • Duke Law Professors Curtis Bradley, Margaret Lemos, Stephen Sachs and Ernest Young discuss the future direction of the Supreme Court in light of the replacement of Justice Kennedy with Justice Kavanaugh. Moderated by Marin Levy.

    Sponsored by The Program in Public Law.

  • Duke Law panelists disuss Juliana v. United States, a case the Supreme Court allowed to proceed in the 9th Circuit, which concerns the constitutional and public trust implications of climate change. Specifically, the youth plaintiffs argue that (1) the United States' actions that have contributed to climate change have unconstitutionally deprived future generations' right to life, liberty, and property; and (2) that the atmosphere is protected by the Public Trust Doctrine.

  • The Program in Public Law sponsored this event to honor the memory of Associate Justice Antonin Scalia, who died in February 2016. In his thirty years of service on the Court, Justice Scalia significantly influenced the ways that judges, lawyers, and the public think, talk, and write about the law, the Constitution, and the Court. Former Scalia clerk and litigation partner William Jay of Goodwin Procter, Professors Neil Siegel, Ernest Young, and Margaret Lemos discuss the life and legacy of this influential jurist.

  • The Duke Law Federalist Society presents a discussion about the Supreme Court's recent high-profile rulings and their impact on future constitutional and legal doctrine. For this discussion, the Federalist Society hosts: Ilya Shapiro, a senior fellow in constitutional studies at the Cato Institute and editor-in-chief of the Cato Supreme Court Review, and Duke Law's Ernest Young, one of the nation's leading authorities on the constitutional law of federalism. The Cato Institute is a libertarian think tank headquartered in Washington, D.C.

    Sponsored by the Federalist Society.

  • The Program in Public Law presents its annual Supreme Court Review. Duke Law professors Lisa Kern Griffin, Katharine T. Bartlett and Ernest A. Young review the most significant decisions of the 2013-14 term of the U.S. Supreme Court, while Professor Darrell A.H. Miller moderates. Cases discussed include Hobby Lobby, Riley v. California, and Bond v. U.S.

  • As the U.S. Supreme Court prepared for arguments on whether for-profit corporations and their owners may claim religious freedom exceptions from provisions of the Affordable Care Act, Duke Law professors Darrell Miller, Barak Richman, Neil Siegel, Ernie Young, and Kate Bartlett participated in a lunchtime panel discussion on the implications for constitutional law and public policy. The cases raise important questions about constitutional law, healthcare policy, the corporate form, statutory construction, and the ability of Congress to protect constitutional norms.

  • Panel discussion on judicial takings.

    Recorded on February 04, 2011.

    Panel titled: Judicial Takings & the Courts.

    Conference title: Judicial Takings: Exploring the Boundaries of the Fifth Amendment (Duke Journal of Constitutional Law & Public Policy Symposium (2011))

    Appearing: William P. Marshall (UNC School of Law), Stacey Dogan (Bostun University School of Law), Ernest Young (Duke Law School) ; moderated by Jedediah Purdy (Duke Law School)

  • Mock oral arguments before a panel of three judges. The questions before the judges involves a complex case involving the application of the First Amendment to commercial speech.

    Recorded on February 11, 2010.

    Conference title: Dean's Cup Moot Court Competition 2010.

    Appearing: Kip Nelson '10, Steve Rawson '10, Rocio Perez '11, Ben Baucom '11, participants ; Judge Christine M. Durham (Utah Supreme Court), Judge Carolyn B. Kuhl (California Superior Court), Ernest Young (Duke's Alston & Bird Professor of Law), judges.

  • Panel discussion on environmental law, preemption, anti-discrimination, and criminal-related cases appearing before the Supreme Court.

    Recorded on November 17, 2008.

    Appearing: Christopher Schroeder, Ernest Young, Katharine Bartlett, and Lisa Griffin, panelists.

  • Professors Christopher Schroeder, Curtis Bradley, Guy Charles, and Ernest A. Young discuss the most significant decisions of the past term of the U.S. Supreme Court. Sponsored by the Program in Public Law.

    Recorded on September 17, 2008.

  • Which policies prevail when federal agency action conflicts with state law? The Supreme Court focused on this question this year in Riegel v. Medtronic and will return to it next year in Wyeth v. Levine. This symposium brings distinguished scholars together to discuss this question at the core of constitutional law, administrative law, and public policy

    Recorded on April 15, 2008.

    Conference title: Administrative Law, Preemption, & Federalism (Administrative Law Conference (2008))

  • This annual Symposium, sponsored by DJCIL and CICL, focuses on the emerging importance and impact of international arbitration as a venue for dispute settlement. The event brings together some of the foremost minds in the field to discuss recent developments in public and private law in the global adjudication system of the twenty-first century. Opening remarks by Ralf Michaels.

    Recorded on February 15, 2008.

    Panel titled: Private Arbitral Decisions & International Court Judgments.