Videos tagged with Walter E. Dellinger III

  • David F. Levi, director of the Bolch Judicial Institute and president of The American Law Institute, leads a panel discussion about the legal strike force “SG3” that assembled in response to the Trump campaign's challenges to the 2020 election.

  • The Duke Law community came together to honor the life and legacy of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Remarks were delivered from those who knew Justice Ginsburg personally or studied, taught, or engaged with her life's work.

    We have also set up a KudoBoard to allow members of the Duke community to share the ways in which Justice Ginsburg has influenced or inspired them (

    Sponsored by The Women's Law Students Association, the Program in Public Law, and the Dean's Office.

  • Prof. Walter Dellinger was the Distinguished Class Speaker at Duke Law's Celebrating the Class of 2020 ceremony.

  • University of Texas law professor Sanford Levinson joins Duke's own Walter Dellinger for a conversation about the Supreme Court, the Second Amendment, and the future of gun rights and regulation. Levinson's article The Embarrassing Second Amendment is regarded as one of the foundational pieces of scholarship in the area. Dellinger argued District of Columbia v. Heller. Moderated by Joseph Blocher.

    Sponsored by the Duke Center for Firearms Law.

  • Professor Walter E. Dellinger III (former Assistant Attorney General in charge of OLC) discusses the role the Office of Legal Counsel plays in Executive branch decision making, key moments and figures in the Office's history, and stories from his time leading the office during the Clinton Administration. The discussion was led by Professor H. Jefferson Powell (former Deputy Assistant Attorney General, OLC).

    Co-sponsored by the American Constitution Society, the Federalist Society, and the Government and Public Interest Society

  • A discussion for the law community with panelists Professor Walter Dellinger, Professor Neil Siegel, Professor Guy Charles, Professor Chris Schroeder, Professor Stephen Sachs and Professor David Schanzer on the constitutional and legal framework surrounding the recent executive orders issued by the new administration.

    Recorded on January 31, 2017

    Co-sponsored by Outlaw, Muslim Law Students Association, and Duke Bar Association.

  • The Present and Future of Civil Rights Movements: Race and Reform in 21st Century America

    Introduction: Trina Jones (Duke Law School) & Ana Apostoleris '16 (Duke Law School - Student)

    Plenary: Reflections on the Present and Future of Civil Rights Movements

    Moderator: Angela Onwuachi-Willig (University of Iowa College of Law)

  • Walter E. Dellinger delivers his lecture, "America's Greatest Lawyer: Abraham Lincoln in Private Law and Public Life." Dellinger is the Douglas B. Maggs Professor of Law at Duke Law School. He has also served as acting Solicitor General, Assistant Attorney General, and head of the Office of Legal Counsel.

    Sponsored by the Program in Public Law.

  • Writing in the Washington Post after the 2009 death of Dr. John Hope Franklin, Walter Dellinger, the Douglas B. Maggs Professor Emeritus of Law, said Franklin wrote, taught, and lived the story of race in America. To mark the centenary of Franklin's birth, Dellinger and William Leuchtenburg, the William Rand Kenan Jr. Professor Emeritus of History at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill will reflect upon the course that the three of them taught at Duke Law for seven years, as well as Franklin's influence and insights.