Videos tagged with Sanford Levinson

  • Panel 4 of the NYU Law Review/Duke Center for Firearms Law Symposium, is "After Bruen: Implications for Law Enforcement, Stare Decisis, and Supreme Court Legitimacy." The event was recorded on Friday, September 23, 2022.

    - Moderator: Sanford Levinson (Texas)
    - Panelists: Brandon del Pozo (Rhode Island Hospital), Mary Anne Franks (Miami), Barry Friedman (NYU), Haley Proctor (Missouri)

    Sponsored by the Duke Center for Firearms Law in coordination with the New York University Law Review.

  • University of Texas law professor Sanford Levinson joins Duke's own Walter Dellinger for a conversation about the Supreme Court, the Second Amendment, and the future of gun rights and regulation. Levinson's article The Embarrassing Second Amendment is regarded as one of the foundational pieces of scholarship in the area. Dellinger argued District of Columbia v. Heller. Moderated by Joseph Blocher.

    Sponsored by the Duke Center for Firearms Law.

  • Professor Sanford Levinson of the University of Texas School of Law argues that the Constitution is fundamentally defective in several respects and proposes a new Constitutional Convention. He also argues that law schools should reconsider how constitutional law should be taught.

    Recorded on January 10, 2007.

    Appearing: Speaker: Sanford Levinson, professor at the University of Texas at Austin.

  • Is prolonged tenure for Supreme Court Justices a problem in today's circumstances, and if so, what should be done? Topics explored during this conference will include: Contemporary Consequences of Life Tenure; Are These Consequences Problematic Under Today's Circumstances?; Examining Possible Solutions; Bringing Change About.

    Recorded on April 09, 2005.

    Panel titled: Examining Possible Solutions.

    Conference title: Reforming the Supreme Court? (2005)