Event Calendar
Sunday, March 23, 2025
- 1:00 PM
• See description
If you're in the library, we hope you'll take a quick break and join WLSA for a HGW (hot girl walk) to Beyu Coffee (located by Broadhead), and enjoy a coffee, tea or hot chocolate on WLSA! We'll meet outside of Star Commons to start the walk at 1pm. If you plan to attend, please register here: https://forms.gle/U3YsG1KgFhCJFfrP9. Sponsored by WLSA. For more information, please contact Casey Byrne at casey.byrne@duke.edu.
Monday, March 24, 2025
- 8:00 AM
• Law School Star Commons
Come enjoy some donuts and coffee post-memo! Sponsored by Duke Bar Association. For more information, please contact Matthew Akins at matthew.akins@duke.edu, Addison Smith at addison.smith@duke.edu, Alison Talty at alison.talty@duke.edu, Gabi Snyder at gabriella.snyder@duke.edu, or Darielle Martin at darielle.martin@duke.edu
- 10:00 AM
• Law School Third Floor Mezzanine
Join the current DLCC e-board for informal coffee chats. Drop in when you can to discuss the various roles on the e-board, the commitment, and why you should apply. RSVP here: https://forms.gle/jiTA1GJzwmxpBbuU9. If you already know you want to apply, submit an application here: https://forms.gle/522uZiexPozCb3JaA. Sponsored by the Duke Law California Club. For more information, please contact Skylar McVicar at skylar.mcvicar@duke.edu.
- 12:30 PM
• Law School 3041
Christopher Sprigman, Murray and Kathleen Bring Professor of Law and Co-Director of the Engelberg Center on Innovation Law and Policy at NYU Law will deliver the annual David L. Lange Lecture in Intellectual Property Law. The title of the lecture is "The Invention of Authenticity." Professor Sprigman will investigate the role that arguments about authenticity play in our culture, and the role of law in determining the predicates of authenticity for a wide array of cultural products. Boxed lunch will be provided on a first-come, first-served basis. Sponsored by the Office of the Dean. For more information, please contact Monica Roberson at monica.roberson@law.duke.edu
Tuesday, March 25, 2025
- 8:30 AM
• Law School 3000
Please join the Duke Law Florida Club for (our rescheduled) coffee chats! We will discuss the remaining spring events, upcoming elections and 2Ls and 3Ls will be around for any recruiting questions that 1Ls have. Coffee and breakfast items will be provided. Sponsored by the Duke Law Florida Club. For more information, please contact Sofia Siegel at sos12@duke.edu
- 10:30 AM
• Law School Third Floor Mezzanine
Please join ACLS for a coffee chat with Sandeep Vaheesan (J.D. '10), legal director of the Open Markets Institute, an organization focused on competition policy and democracy. Sandeep leads the OMI's amicus program and has written widely about antimonopoly issues in law journals and popular publications. Coffee and pastries will be provided. For more information, please contact Jessica Breznick at jessica.breznick@duke.edu.
- 12:30 PM
• Law School 4055
Please join the Antitrust & Competition Law Society for a conversation with Sandeep Vaheesan ('10), Legal Director at Open Markets Institute and former regulations counsel at the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, for a discussion on his recently published book Democracy in Power: A History of Electrification in the United States. Vaheesan will discuss the struggle between private money and public control over the electrification of America from the New Deal Era to today, and a blueprint for a publicly-managed path to decarbonization. RSVP here: https://forms.gle/EqHBLpuX9YEwozMt7. Sponsored by the Antitrust & Competition Law Society. For more information, please contact Jessica Breznick at jessica.breznick@duke.edu.
- 12:30 PM
• Law School 3171
Please join WLSA for a small group lunch with Professor Martinez to discuss her legal experiences and career. Attendance is limited to the first 12 people to sign up (sign-up link will be sent in the newsletter prior to the event). Sponsored by Women Law Students Association. For more information, please email Frances Choi at frances.choi@duke.edu.
- 12:30 PM
• Law School 4047
Sponsored by the Office of Academic Affairs. For more information, please contact Amanda Lacoff at amanda.lacoff@law.duke.edu.
- 12:30 PM
• Law School 3037
As part of the Human Rights in Practice series, join the Center for International and Comparative Law and the International Human Rights Clinic for this program featuring Sarah Saadoun, Senior Researcher and Advocate, Poverty and Inequality, Human Rights Watch, who will discuss building a human rights economy. Moderated by Aya Fujimura-Fanselow, Clinical Professor (Teaching) & Supervising Attorney, International Human Rights Clinic, Duke Law. Co-sponsored by American Constitution Society, Business Law Society, Duke Human Rights Center at the Franklin Humanities Institute, Human Rights Law Society, International Law Society, and National Lawyers Guild. Event will be livestreamed for those unable to attend in person. Lunch provided for attendees. For more information, contact Bonnie Blundell (bonnie.blundell@law.duke.edu). To view a livestream of this event: https://bit.ly/3FmuJox
- 12:30 PM
• Law School 3043
Please join Duke Law If / When / How: Lawyering for Reproductive Justice for a conversation with University of Pittsburgh Law Professor and Duke Law Journal published author Greer Donley. DLJ published Professor Donley's article, Abortion Disorientation, in October 2024. Abortion Disorientation dives into the varied definitions of "abortion" amongst state legislatures, particularly how these definitions have changed after Dobbs v. Jackson Womens Health, and the normative implications of this lack of consensus. Please RSVP here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd_Jk-xBtJqOrYZZQ2mjAhV-4zn4DW… Sponsored by If/When/How. For more information, please email Emma Cline (emma.cline@duke.edu) or Gabrielle Straton (gabrielle.straton@duke.edu).
- 12:30 PM
• Law School 3000
The Mash-ups are monthly luncheon meetings for Duke faculty whose research seeks to advance racial equity. These interdisciplinary gatherings are intended to be a medium through which faculty can test their ideas with each other, share insights, secure feedback, and form meaningful relationships. At each meeting, a faculty member will present, and seek input on, a current project. These meetings aim not only to enrich our shared scholarship but also to build community among faculty with overlapping research interests and lead to future collaborations. If you are interested in attending March's Mash-Up, please rsvp here: https://duke.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_esahCgGpEV85aaG. Keisha L Bentley-Edwards, Ph.D will be the guest presenter. Lunch will be provided. Sponsored by the Center on Race, Law, and Policy. For more information, please contact Becky Chapman at becky.chapman@law.duke.edu
- 6:00 PM
• See description
Please join us for our annual celebration of the APALSA community of students and alumni, their achievements, and our shared legacy. The dress code is business formal or cocktail attire. Please RSVP/cancel by March 17th: https://forms.gle/mS1UyTZtdJukcheB6. Sponsored by APALSA. For more information, please contact Joseph Kim at joseph.kim@duke.edu.
Wednesday, March 26, 2025
- 12:30 PM
• Law School 3041
Join Professor Bobby Bishop for a conversation with Duke Law alum Vice Chancellor Glasscock '83 and Vice Chancellor David about the Delaware Court of Chancery, their careers, and clerking for the court. In January, Vice Chancellor Glasscock stepped down after twenty-six years on the bench. He issued hundreds of opinions and helped shape current corporate law. Vice Chancellor David, who filled VC Glasscock's position, started her law career clerking for VC Glasscock.
Joining the conversation will be Ryan McLeod '07, who clerked on the court, Yair Even Tal '13, who interned for VC Glasscock, and Clare DaBaldo '24 who is currently clerking for VC David. Sponsored by the Clerkship Office. Lunch provided. Please email Leigh Marquess with any questions. Leigh.Marquess@law.duke.edu - 12:30 PM
• Law School 3037
Join Duke Decarceration Project for a panel discussion with local lawyers who have dedicated their careers to fighting mass incarceration and mitigating the harms of the criminal legal system. Panelists include Kailey Morgan '22, an attorney at the Center for Death Penalty Litigation, Jaelyn Miller, an attorney at Emancipate NC, and Abigail Holloway, an Assistant Public Defender at the Durham Office of the Public Defender. Lunch will be provided. Sponsored by Duke Decarceration Project and the Wilson Center for Science and Justice. For more information, please contact Rachel Carroll at rachel.carroll@duke.edu.
- 12:30 PM
• Law School 4047
Sponsored by the Office of the Dean. For questions, please contact Monica Roberson at monica.roberson@law.duke.edu.
- 12:30 PM
• Law School 4055
Please join us for a conversation on the new Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) with Julia Mahoney, the John S. Battle Professor of Law at the University of Virginia School of Law. Sponsored by the Federalist Society. For more information, please contact Dylan Palmer (dylan.palmer@duke.edu) or Joshua Marshall (j.marshall@duke.edu).
- 12:30 PM
• Law School 4042
Please join MENALSA for our general body meeting and elections for next year's e-board! Lunch will be served. RSVP using the following form: https://forms.gle/ef2mfQvENoJMiPac9. Sponsored by MENALSA. For more information, contact Tugce Tumer at tugce.tumer@duke.edu.
- 12:30 PM
• Law School 3043
Join the American Civil Liberties Union(ACLU) for a panel with social impact litigation attorneys for a discussion. We will be joined by Daniel Siegal of the North Carolina ACLU, Jackson Springer of the ACLU's State Supreme Court Initiative, and Geri Greenspan from the ACLU of Virginia. We will discuss careers in impact litigation, exercising your civil rights as a lawyer, and how to combine different elements of advocacy in the service of social justice. The attorneys will offer advice for pursuing future internships, externships, and full time opportunities at the ACLU. Lunch will be provided. RSVP at https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScpBW0J1a-uKMyyX73Rvy2Dg07ccpJ… Sponsored by the Duke Law Chapter of the ACLU. Cosponsored by Duke Immigrant and Refugee Project, American Constitution Society, National Lawyers Guild, Womxn of Color Collective, Outlaw, If when how, and GPS. For more information, please contact Jared Holeman at jared.holeman@duke.edu
Thursday, March 27, 2025
- 8:30 AM
• Law School Third Floor Mezzanine
Come meet the Alaska Law Review! If you're a 1L interested in or curious about joining a journal at the law school, stop by to meet some of ALR's current 2L and 3L members. There will be coffee and a stroll to the pond at 10:30am for those interested. Serving as the state of Alaska's Law Review, ALR provides students a unique opportunity to gain experience editing and writing legal articles while serving an important function for an existing legal community. Sponsored by ALR. For more information, please contact Rasa Kerelis at rasa.kerelis@duke.edu.
- 12:30 PM
• Law School 4055
Join the North Carolina Club for a panel discussion featuring attorneys from King & Spaulding, Robinson Bradshaw, and Moore Van Allen about lateralling into the Charlotte market. Each our guest attorneys started at firms in larger markets and then lateralled to firms located in Charlotte as mid-level associates. Come learn about their experiences! Sponsored by North Carolina Club. For more information, please contact Sean Wilson at sean.wilson@duke.edu. RSVP here: https://forms.gle/4XrQvBT1npVNQobp8
- 12:30 PM
• Law School 3037
Please join us for a conversation on Justice Neil M. Gorsuch's Native American jurisprudence with Tobi Merritt Edwards Young, former law clerk to Justice Gorsuch, and first known member of a Native American Tribe to serve as a Supreme Court law clerk. Co-sponsored by the Federalist Society and the Native American Law Student's Association. For more information, please contact Dylan Palmer (dylan.palmer@duke.edu) or Joshua Marshall (j.marshall@duke.edu).
- 12:30 PM
• Law School 4045
Join DLES for our last general body meeting of the year and elections! Lunch will be provided. Please RSVP here: https://forms.gle/bjB7kaKWsVGi2Yp36 Sponsored by DLES. For more information and to get access to the leadership application link, please contact Hayley Huber at hayley.huber@duke.edu.
- 12:30 PM
• Law School 3041
Please join us for this special Duke 100 Centennial Event. In 1961, David Robinson, II made history as one of the first three Black students to desegregate Duke. Mr. Robinson's enrollment changed the University forever, setting Duke on a path to becoming more inclusive and forging the foundation for the community we enjoy today. Mr. Robinson had a distinguished career following his graduation from Duke Law in 1964, serving as attorney for the Federal Reserve, senior counsel for the Xerox Corporation, and the first general counsel of the Eleventh Judicial Circuit of Florida. Mr. Robinson now is the only surviving member of this historic group that desegregated Duke. He is living history! As background, discussions about the future of the U.S. experiment with democracy often center on threats to the franchise and to the freedom of expression. Yet, a heavy focus on one or two rights obscures the ways in which democracy is interwoven with, and often dependent upon, other rights and freedoms. Moreover, 2025 provides a particularly opportune moment for a Democracy and Rights conversation as the U.S. marks the anniversary of major civil rights milestones, including the 70th anniversary of Brown v. Board of Education (1954 and 1955), the 60th anniversary of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Voting Rights Act of 1965, and the Fair Housing Act of 1968, and the 50th anniversary of Roe v. Wade (1973). This event, therefore, will seek to explore the ways in which democracy intersects with, and is often reliant upon, myriad rights and freedoms, honoring Mr. Robinson's remarkable accomplishments and inviting his insights on, among other things, the state of U.S. democracy and the civil rights of people living here. Professor H. Timothy Lovelace, Jr., John Hope Franklin Research Scholar and Professor of Law, will serve as interviewer for this event. This is a Duke Law Center on Law, Race & Policy ("CLRP") event in partnership with Duke 100 Centennial, the Duke Law DEI Committee, and the Duke Law Black Law Students Association. Please RSVP here (https://duke.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_4H1znh1nSRbWlEO). For more information, please contact Becky Chapman at: becky.chapman@law.duke.edu.
- 12:30 PM
• Law School 3000
Professor Buccafusco and Professor Garrett invite faculty to attend a Law & Social Science Workshop with guest presenter Fernan Restrepo to discuss a works-in-progress paper - (Title forthcoming). Please email leanna.doty@law.duke.edu to RSVP and to receive the workshop paper. Lunch will be provided and seating is limited.
- 5:15 PM
• Law School 3037
Duke Law Run Club will be holding elections for our 2025-2026 Executive Board. Sponsored by Duke Law Run Club. For more information, please contact Ariya Roberts at ar725@duke.edu.
- 6:00 PM
• See description
Join us at the Law School Sign out front for Run Club's weekly Thursday evening run. Pace groups will be led at 9:00 minutes/mile and 11:00 minutes/mile, but do whatever is comfortable for you. See you there! Sponsored by Duke Law Run Club. For more information, please contact Rosa Gibson at rosa.gibson@duke.edu.
- 6:00 PM
• Duke Chapel
A distinguished law professor and author, John Inazu, will speak on "Pluralism, Particularity, and Possibility". Inazu is the Sally D. Danforth Distinguished Professor of Law and Religion at Washington University in St. Louis. A graduate of Duke's Law School and Pratt School of Engineering, he is an expert on the First Amendment who writes about how to navigate the complex legal, ethical, and social aspects of contentious issues that divide Americans. Inazu is the author of, among other books, "Learning to Disagree: The Surprising Path to Navigating Differences with Empathy and Respect," "Liberty's Refuge: The Forgotten Freedom of Assembly," and "Confident Pluralism: Surviving and Thriving Through Deep Difference." The combined lecture and public conversation is the inaugural address in Duke Chapel's Pluralism Lecture series and is also part of the Provost's Initiative on Pluralism, Free Inquiry, and Belonging. A free ticket is required to attend the event. Register via the Duke Box Office at https://tickets.duke.edu/Online/article/inazu. This event is co-sponsored by Duke Chapel, Center for Christianity and Scholarship, Kenan Institute for Ethics, Law School, POLIS: Center for Politics, Provost's Office, Transformative Ideas. For more information, please contact dukechapel@duke.edu.
- 8:30 PM
• Motorco Music Hall
Tricky Dick, Duke Law's most prestigious and only sketch comedy group, presents its spring show: Id. Game. A shocking supreme court precedent ruling has dramatic effects for the best and brightest of Duke Law School. Why do smart people subject themselves to such horrific things? Who is running the Id. Game? And why are transactional lawyers at the bottom of the social hierarchy? Find out all this and more at Tricky Dick's "Id. Game"! Tickets $8 in advance online or $10 at the door (plus taxes and fees). Doors open at 7:30, recommended arrival time is 8:00 to get a seat, show starts at 8:30 PM. Tickets available here: https://motorcomusic.com/event/tricky-dick-2025/. Proceeds go to the Duke Law Public Interest foundation. For more information, contact henry.valentine@duke.edu
Friday, March 28, 2025
- 1:00 PM
• See description
Please join Texas Club for a study session at Foster Street Coffee, located at 530 Foster Street #2, Durham, NC 27701. More information will be provided via email and GroupMe. Sponsored by Texas Club. For more information, please contact Isabelle Stewart at isabelle.stewart@duke.edu.
Saturday, March 29, 2025
- 2:00 PM
• See description
Join WLSA for a heated Sculpt Yoga class at Virge Yoga (200 Morris St, Suite 140). Signup list will be circulated via the WLSA newsletter. Sponsored by WLSA. Please reach out to Arielle Roos (arielle.roos@duke.edu) or Christina Moss (christina.moss@duke.edu) with any questions.
Monday, March 31, 2025
- 8:30 AM
• See description
For Duke Law Students Only. Please join us for breakfast with with Judge P. Casey Pitts of the Northern District of California. Judge Pitts was confirmed on June 14, 2022 and is eager to share insights into the judicial process. Limited to ten students. Please RSVP here: https://forms.gle/3qDkF5UT9C3s3qSS6. Sponsored by the Duke Law California Club. For more information, please contact Skylar McVicar (skylar.mcvicar@duke.edu).
- 12:30 PM
• Law School 3043
Please join us for a conversation with Judge P. Casey Pitts of the Northern District of California. Judge Pitts spent most of his career litigating complex labor law cases. When he was confirmed on June 14, 2022, he became the only openly LGBTQ+ Article III judge actively serving on the District Court for the Northern District of California. Sponsored by the American Constitution Society. For more information, please contact Gabi Straton (gabrielle.straton@duke.edu).
- 12:30 PM
• Law School 4046
The Duke Decarceration Project will be hosting office hours to answer any questions about ongoing projects. Sponsored by the Duke Decarceration Project. For more information, please contact Levi Schulman at levi.schulman@duke.edu.
- 12:30 PM
• Law School 3041
Please join the Duke Law Journal (DLJ) to discuss this year's Casenote competition and tips and tricks that will lead you to success. We will walk you through what you can expect and provide specific bluebooking strategies. We highly encourage all 1Ls to join, regardless of whether or not you have decided you want to join a journal. Sponsored by DLJ. For more information, please contact Jordan Waldmann at jordan.waldmann@duke.edu.
- 12:30 PM
• Law School 3037
Join Shitong Qiao, Professor of Law and Ken Young-Gak Yun and Jinah Park Yun Research Scholar, for a celebration of his new book The Authoritarian Commons: Neighborhood Democratization in Urban China (Cambridge University Press, 2025: https://duke.is/y/8682). Based on extensive fieldwork across China, this book provides an ethnographic account of how Chinese homeowners practice democracy in and beyond their condominium complexes. Jedediah Purdy, Raphael Lemkin Distinguished Professor of Law, will moderate the discussion. Boxed lunches will be served for attendees on a first-come, first-served basis. Co-sponsored by the Goodson Law Library and Office of the Dean. For more information, please contact Jennifer Behrens (behrens@law.duke.edu).
Tuesday, April 01, 2025
- 10:00 AM
• Law School Third Floor Mezzanine
Please join the Black Law Students Association in an opportunity for students and faculty to speak with one another on current issues in the law, legal scholarship, and navigating the legal profession as a Black attorney. Coffee and breakfast options will be provided. Sponsored by BLSA. For more information, please contact Jonathan Mondrey atjonathan.mondrey@duke.edu.
- 12:30 PM
• Law School 4055
Join Duke Law alumnus Peter Kahn JD'76, Senior Counsel at Williams & Connolly in Washington, D.C., and Israeli lawyer Dov Weissglas for an in-depth discussion about the rule of law in Israel at this critical time in the new ceasefire settlement, including whether the ceasefire will reinvigorate the still hot issue of judicial reform in Israel, prospects for the survivability of the Netanyahu government and proposed structures for Gaza governance, and the outlook for sustaining the rule of law in the region, including the impact of the International Criminal Court's (ICC) arrest warrants against the Prime Minister of Israel and the former Defense Minister. Mr. Weissglas is a prominent lawyer and business leader in Israel who served for many years as Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's personal attorney and was appointed as Sharon's Chief of Staff in 2002. In that role, he served as Israel's principal negotiator with U.S. National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice and U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell on the George W. Bush administration's Roadmap for Peace Initiative in the Middle East. He also was one of the key architects of the Israeli disengagement from Gaza. Mr. Kahn has practiced law for more than 45 years and is the former co-chair of Williams & Connolly's International Litigation Practice Group. Starting with his representation of the Israelis in the Jonathan Pollard spy case in the 1980s, Mr. Kahn has handled numerous cases for American clients with interests in Israel, and for Israeli clients with matters pending in the United States, including, among others, the family of the late Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin. Lunch and seating will be available on a first-come, first-served basis. Sponsored by the Bolch Judicial Institute and Judicature International. For more information email Lora Beth Farmer at lora.farmer@law.duke.edu.
- 12:30 PM
• Law School 4042
Women Law Students Association will be holding elections for our 2025-2026 Executive Board. More information will be provided via email! Sponsored by WLSA. For questions, please contact Casey Byrne (ccb83@duke.edu) or Christina Moss (acm156@duke.edu).
- 12:30 PM
• Law School 4047
Sponsored by the Office of the Dean. For more information, please contact Frances Curran at Frances.curran@law.duke.edu.
- 12:30 PM
• Law School Third Floor Mezzanine
Please join DJCIL to learn about Duke Journal of Comparative and International Law and meet our members. Sponsored by the Duke Journal of Comparative and International Law. For more information please contact Sabrina Slagowitz at Sabrina.Slagowitz@duke.edu
- 12:30 PM
• Law School 4045
This program is for students who will be clerking after graduation and those who will be interning with a judge. Join Suzanne Corriell, Circuit Librarian for the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 4th Circuit, who will talk about the federal court library program and provide recommendations for research resources beneficial to you during your clerkship or internship. Lunch will be provided. Sponsored by the Clerkship Office. To RSVP, please email Leigh Marquess at leigh.marquess@law.duke.edu.
- 3:00 PM
• Virtual
Please join Middle Eastern North African Law Student Association (MENALSA) for a conversation with a few Skadden attorneys. This is a great opportunity to get to know Skadden and connect with their attorneys in a small group setting. RSVP at the following form: https://forms.gle/K2kkv9DS6ZHdRzSY9. This event will be virtual. Attendees will receive an email with the Zoom link closer to the event. Sponsored by MENALSA. For more information, please contact Tugce Tumer at tugce.tumer@duke.edu.
Wednesday, April 02, 2025
- 8:00 AM
• Law School Third Floor Mezzanine
Come ask current DLJ members any questions you may have about write-on and what it is like being on a journal! Enjoy some coffee and have a casual conversation about the process and experience. Sponsored by Duke Law Journal. For more information, please contact Jordan Waldmann at jordan.waldmann@duke.edu.
- 12:30 PM
• Law School 3041
Please join us for a panel discussion about balancing parenthood and family obligations with the demands of a career in BigLaw. Panelists will share insights and strategies for navigating things like parental leave, flexible remote work schedules, building a supportive network, and setting boundaries for better time management. Attorneys from Skadden, Pillsbury, and Paul Hastings will be in attendance. Lunch will be provided. Sponsored by the Women Law Students Association (WLSA), OutLaw, and Older Wiser Law Students (OWLS). For more information, please contact Christina Moss (christina.moss@duke.edu), Evan Ortiz (evan.ortiz@duke.edu), or Rosa Gibson (rosa.gibson@duke.edu). RSVP Here: https://forms.gle/DHEfnvZceq6XsVrRA
- 12:30 PM
• Law School 4045
Interested in international work at Biglaw? Join the International Law Society for an insightful panel discussion with attorneys working on cross-border matters from Clifford Chance and White & Case. Learn about key areas such as cross-border transactions, international arbitration, and global capital markets. Lunch will be provided. RSVP here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScGwbQZ1uMRjyyplITAJ9ejPx69MO3…. Sponsored by ILS. For more information, please contact Rae Sun at qr.sun@duke.edu.
- 12:30 PM
• Law School 3043
Join us for a conversation with Judge Robert Luck (11th Circuit) and Judge Rodolfo ("Rudy") Ruiz (SDFL) for a discussion about their careers and clerkships. Sponsored by the Clerkship Office. Lunch provided. Please email Leigh Marquess with any questions. Leigh.Marquess@law.duke.edu.
- 12:30 PM
• Law School 4042
Please join us for an interactive conversation with Dov Weissglas, the former Chief of Staff to Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, about his distinguished career path and how war in the Middle East impacts public service and the rule of law. Sponsored by the Jewish Law Students Association. For more information, please contact Kyle Beck at kyle.beck@duke.edu.
- 12:30 PM
• Law School 4047
Sponsored by the Office of the Dean. For questions, please contact Monica Roberson at monica.roberson@law.duke.edu.
- 12:30 PM
• Law School 4055
Texas Club will be holding elections for our 2025-2026 Executive Board. More information will be provided to members. Sponsored by Texas Club. For questions, please contact Isabelle Stewart at Isabelle.stewart@duke.edu.
Thursday, April 03, 2025
- 8:30 AM
• Law School Third Floor Mezzanine
Come ask current DLJ members any questions you may have about write-on and what it is like being on a journal! Enjoy some coffee and have a casual conversation about the process and experience. Sponsored by Duke Law Journal. For more information, please contact Jordan Waldmann at jordan.waldmann@duke.edu.
- 12:30 PM
• Law School 3000
Please join us for a lunch chat with Professor Jonathan Wiener, hosted and sponsored by the International Law Society. Professor Wiener is the William R. Perkins Distinguished Professor of Law at Duke Law School. From 2007-15, he directed the JD-LLM Program in International and Comparative Law. This lunch chat will ask Professor Wiener about his experiences prior to coming to Duke as well as helping negotiate the Framework Convention on Climate Change and attendance at the Rio Earth Summit in 1992. The event is capped at 20 students. Sponsored by ILS. For more information, please contact Julia Shurman at julia.shurman@duke.edu Please RSVP here: https://forms.gle/GGrgoqbxKNCAn3EZA
- 12:30 PM
• Law School 4055
Please join the Government & Public Service Society, First Generation Professionals, and Chelsea Cook and Michael Manset, Staff Attorneys at Legal Aid of North Carolina to discuss legal aid work and being a housing attorney in Durham. Sponsored by the Government & Public Service Society and First Generation Professionals. For more information, please contact Hailey Weisel at hailey.weisel@duke.edu.
- 12:30 PM
• Law School 4000
North Carolina Club will be choosing its new board for the 2025-2026 school year. Current leadership will go over the different positions and members will vote. Sponsored by the North Carolina Club. Contact Sean.Wilson@duke.edu with any questions, including if you are unable to attend but would like to be considered for a position.
- 12:30 PM
• Law School 3041
Please join us for the final round of the Hardt Cup! Sponsored by the Duke Law Moot Court Board. For more information, please contact Ben Luongo at ben.luongo@duke.edu.
- 4:00 PM
• Law School 4045
Please join us for a conversation with two Duke Law graduates, Judge Don Willett '92 (Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals) and Justice Sarah K. Campbell '09 (Tennessee Supreme Court), about their lives and careers in the law, from early practice to the bench at both the state and the federal level. Sponsored by the Duke Law Federalist Society. For more information, please contact Dylan Palmer (dylan.palmer@duke.edu) or Joshua Marshall (j.marshall@duke.edu).
- 6:00 PM
• Washington Duke Inn
For more information, please contact the Alumni & Development Office at alumni_office@law.duke.edu
- 7:30 PM
• See description
Please join us for our annual MENALSA end-of-year celebration. RSVPs are now closed at this time. Sponsored by MENALSA. For any questions, email Tugce Tumer at tugce.tumer@duke.edu
Friday, April 04, 2025
- 8:00 AM
• Law School 3rd Floor Loggia
For more information, please contact the Alumni & Development Office at alumni_office@law.duke.edu
- 2:00 PM
• Law School 3rd Floor Loggia
For more information, please contact the Alumni & Development Office at alumni_office@law.duke.edu.
- 2:00 PM
• Law School Star Commons
Stop by and purchase Duke Law merchandise for yourself or loved ones! A portion of the proceeds will go towards public interest summer funding. Sponsored by the Government and Public Service Society and the Public Interest and Pro Bono Office. Email Avery Allen at avery.allen@duke.edu for any questions.
Saturday, April 05, 2025
- 9:00 AM
• Law School 3rd Floor Loggia
For more information, please contact the Alumni & Development Office at alumni_office@law.duke.edu.
- 11:00 AM
• Law School Star Commons
Stop by and purchase Duke Law merchandise for yourself or loved ones! A portion of the proceeds will go towards public interest summer funding. Sponsored by the Government and Public Service Society and the Public Interest and Pro Bono Office. Email Avery Allen at avery.allen@duke.edu for any questions.
Sunday, April 06, 2025
- 11:00 AM
• Durham, NC
For more information, please contact the Alumni & Development Office at alumni_office@law.duke.edu.
Monday, April 07, 2025
- 12:00 PM
• Law School Star Commons
NC Lawyer Assistance volunteers will be at the law school to speak with students about services NCLAP provides, navigating stress during and after law school, character and fitness issues, and other wellness concerns you may have. If you would like to schedule time to speak 1:1 with an NCLAP volunteer, you can contact Candace Hoffman at candace@nclap.org. Sponsored by the Office of Student Affairs and NCLAP. For more information, please contact Sally Johnson at sally.johnson@law.duke.edu.
- 12:30 PM
• Law School 3041
Join the celebration for Jennifer Jenkins (J.D. '97 & A.M. '00), Clinical Professor of Law and Director of the Center for the Study of the Public Domain. Her new book Music Copyright, Creativity, and Culture (Oxford University Press, 2025: https://duke.is/v/bgyn) is an interdisciplinary introduction to the economics, history, and law that shape the music we love. The book is both innovative and readable, presenting its subject through case studies, timelines, and even excerpts from a graphic novel. James Boyle, William Neal Reynolds Distinguished Professor of Law, will moderate the discussion. Boxed lunches will be served for attendees on a first-come, first-served basis. Co-sponsored by the Goodson Law Library and Office of the Dean. For more information, please contact Jennifer Behrens (behrens@law.duke.edu).
- 12:30 PM
• Law School 3037
Join us for a conversation on the intersection of history, ideology, and judicial discretion in shaping the right to bear arms. This event will feature a discussion by the authors of recently published DLJO pieces: Guns Judges and Trump by Rebecca Brown, Lee Epstein, and Mitu Gulati and response pieces: Bruen in a Changing Judiciary by Joseph Blocher and Judges Guns and MAGA: a Comment on Brown, Epstein & Gulati by Brannon P. Denning. These articles feature an analysis of judicial partisanship in Second Amendment rulings and the evolving legal landscape of gun rights. Professor Andrew Willinger, Executive Director of the Duke Center for Firearms Law, will be moderating the discussion. Lunch will be provided. This event is hosted by DLJO and co-sponsored by the Duke Center for Firearms Law, ACS, GPS, and DBA. For more information, please contact Noor Haider at Noor.Haider@duke.edu.
- 12:30 PM
• Law School 4042
Please join Duke Law Florida Club for an overview of the 2L recruiting process in Florida as well as tips for preparing for summer jobs in Florida. Lunch will be provided. Sponsored by DLFC. Please contact Sofia Siegel at sos12@duke.edu for more information.
- 2:30 PM
• Law School Beber Sculpture Garden
Come celebrate LDOC with APALSA! Students are invited to celebrate the end of classes with traditional Asian desserts and fresh air. Sponsored by Asian Pacific American Law Students Association (APALSA). For more information, contact allison.zhang@duke.edu
Tuesday, April 08, 2025
- 9:00 AM
• Law School Third Floor Mezzanine
Volunteers and board members of Duke Immigrant and Refugee Project (DIRP), join us for a celebration of your hard work on our board and pro bono projects over the past year! Coffee, tea, and pastries will be served. Sponsored by DIRP. RSVP at https://forms.gle/ac8SD5uGiuT8s9666. For more information, please contact Jingyao Shan at jingyao.shan@duke.edu.
- 12:30 PM
• Law School 3041
As a student loan borrower, you are required to complete an Exit Loan Counseling session and submit updated contact information and resources to help you manage your loans after you leave Duke Law School. Sponsored by the Duke Office of Student Loans and Personal Finance. For more information, please contact financialaid@law.duke.edu or anna.sheufelt@duke.edu.
- 12:30 PM
• Law School 3043
Join us for a panel discussion featuring Professor Richard Katskee, Linton Mann '07 and Professor Joseph Blocher about legal issues involving civil rights and education in the United States and recent changes. This event, sponsored by the Dean's Office, is for the Duke Law community only. Lunch will be provided on a first-come, first-served basis. For more information, please contact Cindy Cammarn at cynthia.cammarn@law.duke.edu
- 12:30 PM
• Law School 4045
Please join us for a conversation on bipartisan court reform with Professor of Law and Centennial Chair of Constitutional Law at South Texas College of Law-Houston, Josh Blackman. Sponsored by the Federalist Society. For more information, please contact Dylan Palmer (dylan.palmer@duke.edu) or Joshua Marshall (j.marshall@duke.edu).
Wednesday, April 09, 2025
- 8:00 AM
• Fuqua School of Business
Decarbonizing the global economy and increasing climate resilience worldwide will require trillions of dollars, largely from private sector investors. What novel mechanisms, collaborative efforts, and policies can accelerate the mobilization of private capital? International and domestic thought leaders will exchange ideas at the second annual "From Billions to Trillions" summit at Duke University.
The successful 2024 summit convened over 500 attendees and focused on how the Inflation Reduction Act could catalyze private climate investment in the United States. Subsequent developments have called into question the durability of that model, and raised questions about the types of investments needed to address climate change and where they will come from.
The 2025 summit will update the domestic decarbonization dialogue to reflect these new realities, while also expanding it to include global climate finance challenges and opportunities.
Confirmed speakers include:
* Jeff Bladen, Head of Energy, Verrus
* Aaron (Ronnie) Chatterji, Chief Economist, OpenAI; Mark Burgess & Lisa Benson-Burgess Distinguished Professor of Business and Public Policy, Duke University
* David Crane, Former Under Secretary for Infrastructure, U.S. Department of Energy
* William Demas, Head of Americas, Green Investments, Macquarie Group
* Anmay Dittman, Head of Climate Finance, BlackRock
* Nathaniel (Nat) Keohane, President, Center for Climate and Energy Solutions (C2ES)
* Megan O'Connor, CEO & Co-Founder, Nth Cycle
* Vijay Swarup, Senior Director, Climate Strategy & Technology, ExxonMobil
* Jeffrey Ubben, Founder & Managing Partner, Inclusive Capital Partners
* ...and many more!
This free event will feature ample opportunities for networking. Advance registration required.
This event is designed to make the most of Duke University's academic assets and convening power to accelerate climate solutions, in alignment with the Duke Climate Commitment (http://climate.duke.edu).
- 12:30 PM
• Law School 4042
Listen to a panel of legal scholars and practicing attorneys analyze the ongoing crisis in Palestine from international legal policy lens. Please RSVP for lunch (https://forms.gle/9K8bx8r78qfijC35A). Sponsored by the Muslim Law Students Association. For more information, please contact Zehra Hassan at zehra.hassan@duke.edu.
- 12:30 PM
• Law School 3041
The Future of Trans and Nonbinary Rights in the U.S.: The Current Legal Terrain and How To Fight Back April 9, 2025 12:30 - 1:30 PM Room 3041 Join the ACLU for a panel discussion on the current attack against the trans community in the U.S. and how we as law students and allies can fight back. We are excited to welcome Sasha Buchert, Director of the Non-Binary and Transgender Rights Project at Lambda Legal in D.C., Arli Christian, Senior Policy Counsel at the ACLU National Political Advocacy Department, and our own Professor Richard Katskee, former Legal Director of Americans United for Separation of Church and State. Our panelists will discuss their involvement in current litigation fighting for trans rights, advocacy for legislative reform, and recent Supreme Court cases involving LGBTQ+ rights. Lunch will be provided. Please RSVP here: https://bit.ly/4bRSgcX Co-sponsored by: Duke Bar Association, Duke Center for Sexual & Gender Diversity, OutLaw, National Lawyer's Guild, American Constitution Society, If/When/How, and the Womxn of Color Collective. For more information, please contact Holly Merrill at holly.merrill@duke.edu.
- 12:30 PM
• Law School 4047
Sponsored by the Office of the Dean. For questions, please contact Monica Roberson at monica.roberson@law.duke.edu.
- 12:30 PM
• Law School 3037
Join Woman Law Students Association (WLSA) for an interactive financial literacy presentation specifically designed to introduce law students to the tools they will need to build long-term financial security. Fuqua Professor Anna Cieslak will discuss the basics of investing, saving, building credit, and budgeting post-graduation. Lunch will be provided. Please RSVP at the following link: https://forms.gle/yQ6DtasncecfU1jt7. Sponsored by WLSA. For more information, please contact Christina Moss at christina.moss@duke.edu or Casey Byrne at casey.byrne@duke.edu.
- 12:30 PM
• Law School 3043
Join us for a panel of Duke Law Journal alumni reflecting on their journeys at Duke Law, their time on DLJ, and their professional endeavors post-graduation. From their experiences in transactional work, litigation, clerking, and academia, our alumni with underrepresented perspectives will provide invaluable insights into how serving on DLJ helped them to navigate the legal landscape. For those interested in participating in Casenote, we highly recommend attending this event. Please RSVP for lunch at the following link: https://forms.gle/WJXphE3nuf3TEjAo9. Sponsored by DLJ. For more information, please contact Cristina Lee at cristina.lee@duke.edu
- 5:30 PM
• Gross Hall 103
Author Brian Goldstone MA '07 PhD '12 discusses his new book "There Is No Place For Us: Working and Homeless in America." By telling the unforgettable stories of five Atlanta families, this work of journalism exposes a new and troubling trend-the dramatic rise of the "working homeless" in cities across America.
Author discussion will be followed by a book signing. Books will be available for purchase.
Thursday, April 10, 2025
- 8:30 AM
• Law School Third Floor Mezzanine
Please join Duke Law OWLS (Older, Wiser Law Students) for our year end celebration. Coffee and light breakfast will be served. Sponsored by OWLS. RSVP here: https://forms.gle/jLrzjZH6wuyxiawT9. For more information, contact Tamesha Derkach at tamesha.derkach@duke.edu or Rosa Gibson at rosa.gibson@duke.edu.
- 12:30 PM
• Law School 3041
Please join the Duke Law Journal (DLJ) to discuss this year's Casenote competition and tips and tricks that will lead you to success. We will walk you through what you can expect and provide specific bluebooking strategies. We highly encourage all 1Ls to join, regardless of whether or not you have decided you want to join a journal. Sponsored by DLJ. For more information, please contact Jordan Waldmann at jordan.waldmann@duke.edu.
- 12:30 PM
• Law School 3037
Celebration lunch for the winners of the Class of 2027 Pro Bono Competition. Attendance is by invitation only. Sponsored by the Office of Public Interest & Pro Bono. For more information, please contact D.J. Dore, Director of Pro Bono at dj.dore@law.duke.edu.
- 12:30 PM
• Law School 3000
Professor Buccafusco and Professor Garrett invite faculty to attend a Law & Social Science Workshop with guest presenter Wendy Epstein to discuss a works-in-progress paper - Beyond Subsidies and Mandates: Testing A Simple Behavioral Mechanism to Drive Health Insurance Coverage. Please email leanna.doty@law.duke.edu to RSVP and to receive the workshop paper. Lunch will be provided and seating is limited.
- 12:30 PM
• Law School 4042
Join us for a conversation with Chief Justice Gordon J. MacDonald of the New Hampshire Supreme Court for a discussion on the differences and relative strengths and weaknesses of electing and appointing state judges and Attorneys General. Sponsored by the Federalist Society. For more information, please contact Joshua Marshall (j.marshall@duke.edu) or Dyland Palmer (dylan.palmer@duke.edu).
Friday, April 11, 2025
- 8:00 AM
• Law School 3rd Floor Loggia
Sponsored by the Office of Admissions. For more information, please contact the Office of Admissions at admissions@law.duke.edu.
Saturday, April 12, 2025
- 8:00 AM
• Law School 3rd Floor Loggia
Sponsored by the Office of Admissions. For more information, contact the Office of Admissions at admissions@law.duke.edu.
Monday, April 14, 2025
- 8:30 AM
• Law School Third Floor Mezzanine
You've heard of LDOC, but come celebrate LWOC (Last Week of Class) with WLSA! Iced coffee and pastries will be served. Please RSVP at the following link: https://forms.gle/iYdWUUJyWpnEdsCc7. Sponsored by WLSA. For more information, please contact Casey Byrne and Christina Moss.
- 12:30 PM
• Law School 4046
The Duke Decarceration Project will be hosting office hours to answer any questions about ongoing projects. Sponsored by the Duke Decarceration Project. For more information, please contact Levi Schulman at levi.schulman@duke.edu.
- 12:30 PM
• Law School 3041
The D.O.N.E. Awards are an annual tradition at Duke Law to recognize the achievements and contributions of students, student organizations, faculty, and staff members to the Duke Law community. Awards will be given out for: Greatest Contribution to Civic Discourse (Organization), Greatest Role in Building Relationships (Organization), Greatest Service to the Outside Community (Organization), Outstanding Student Organization Leader (Student), Outstanding Contribution to the Duke Law Community (Student), as well as the Richard Lin Service Above Self Award (Student), the Distinguished Staff Member Award (Staff Member) and the Distinguished Teaching Award (Professor). Sponsored by the Duke Bar Association. For more information, please contact Jody Messick at jody.messick@duke.edu and RSVP at https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScOC0pStbYKYZJbaalNuU2IZVGnvfV…
Tuesday, April 15, 2025
- 10:00 AM
• Law School Third Floor Mezzanine
Please join the Black Law Students Association in an opportunity for students and faculty to speak with one another on current issues in the law, legal scholarship, and navigating the legal profession as a Black attorney. Coffee and breakfast options will be provided. Sponsored by BLSA. For more information, please contact Jonathan Mondrey atjonathan.mondrey@duke.edu.
- 12:30 PM
• Law School 4047
Sponsored by the Office of the Dean. For more information, please contact Frances Curran at Frances.curran@law.duke.edu.
- 12:30 PM
• Law School 3041
All Moot Court Board members should join for our election of next year's executive board. More information to come. Sponsored by Moot Court Board. Please reach out to Rachel.Gu@duke.edu with questions.
Wednesday, April 16, 2025
- 12:30 PM
• Law School 3041
Please join us for a conversation with Chief Justice Tassaduq Hussain Jillani of Pakistan, the 2025 recipient of the Bolch Prize for the Rule of Law, which is awarded annually to an individual or organization who has demonstrated extraordinary dedication to the rule of law and advancing rule of law principles around the world. As the 21st Chief Justice of Pakistan, Jillani's work and groundbreaking opinions advanced gender equality, religious liberty, and judicial independence in South Asia and globally. Sponsored by the Bolch Judicial Institute. For more information, please contact Kristin Triebel at kristin.triebel@law.duke.edu.
- 12:30 PM
• Law School 4047
Sponsored by the Office of the Dean. For questions, please contact Monica Roberson at monica.roberson@law.duke.edu.
Thursday, April 17, 2025
- 8:00 AM
• Law School Third Floor Mezzanine
Join 1GP as we celebrate the last day of class! Breakfast will be served! Please RSVP and note dietary restrictions here: (link to come). Sponsored by 1GP. For more information, please contact ian.redmond@duke.edu
- 12:30 PM
• Law School 4042
Join us for an insightful discussion on The Perversity of International Law in China's Territorial Disputes, featuring Jacques deLisle, Stephen A. Cozen Professor of Law & Professor of Political Science, and Director of the Center for the Study of Contemporary China. International legal rules are typically designed to reduce conflict, promote stability, and deter disruptive change. However, in the geopolitically sensitive context of China's territorial disputes, these same rules can have unintended consequences, fostering escalation, uncertainty, and instability-particularly in matters of territorial sovereignty, maritime jurisdiction, and self-determination. This analysis extends beyond territorial issues, offering insights into China's economic and political strategies. Lunch will be provided on a first-come, first-served basis. This event is co-sponsored by APSI and ChinaLab@DukeLaw. For inquiries, please contact zhang@law.duke.edu.
- 12:30 PM
• Law School 3041
Join the Office of Student Affairs to discuss funding, event planning, and other topics to help guide transitions in student organization leadership. Please attend if you are a newly elected student organization leader. Sponsored by the Office of Student Affairs. For more information, contact Sally Johnson at sally.johnson@law.duke.edu.
- 2:30 PM
• Law School Beber Sculpture Garden
Join the Office of Student Affairs in celebrating the last day of classes with ice cream in the Duke Law Parking Lot near the Beber Sculpture Garden! Dairy-free option available. Sponsored by the Office of Student Affairs. For more information, please email student_affairs@law.duke.edu.
Tuesday, April 29, 2025
- 12:30 PM
• Law School 4047
Sponsored by the Office of the Dean. For more information, please contact Frances Curran at Frances.curran@law.duke.edu.
Tuesday, May 06, 2025
- 12:30 PM
• Law School 4047
Sponsored by the Office of the Dean. For more information, please contact Frances Curran at Frances.curran@law.duke.edu.
Friday, May 09, 2025
- 3:00 PM
• Law School 3041
By invitation only. Sponsored by the Public Interest and Pro Bono Office. For more information, please contact Stella Boswell at boswell@law.duke.edu.
Wednesday, May 14, 2025
- 9:00 AM
• Law School 4055
The Program on Negotiation & Dispute Resolution at Duke Law School is a NC mediation training program approved by the NC Dispute Resolution Commission. For more information on the program, please see: https://law.duke.edu/pondr/40-hour-mediation. Sponsored by Program on Negotiation & Dispute Resolution. Questions may be directed to Becky Chapman at becky.chapman@law.duke.edu.
Thursday, May 15, 2025
- 9:00 AM
• Law School 4055
The Program on Negotiation & Dispute Resolution at Duke Law School is a NC mediation training program approved by the NC Dispute Resolution Commission. For more information on the program, please see: https://law.duke.edu/pondr/40-hour-mediation. Sponsored by Program on Negotiation & Dispute Resolution. Questions may be directed to Becky Chapman at becky.chapman@law.duke.edu.
Friday, May 16, 2025
- 9:00 AM
• Law School 4055
The Program on Negotiation & Dispute Resolution at Duke Law School is a NC mediation training program approved by the NC Dispute Resolution Commission. For more information on the program, please see: https://law.duke.edu/pondr/40-hour-mediation. Sponsored by Program on Negotiation & Dispute Resolution. Questions may be directed to Becky Chapman at becky.chapman@law.duke.edu.
Saturday, May 17, 2025
- 9:00 AM
• Law School 4055
The Program on Negotiation & Dispute Resolution at Duke Law School is a NC mediation training program approved by the NC Dispute Resolution Commission. For more information on the program, please see: https://law.duke.edu/pondr/40-hour-mediation. Sponsored by Program on Negotiation & Dispute Resolution. Questions may be directed to Becky Chapman at becky.chapman@law.duke.edu.
Sunday, May 18, 2025
- 9:00 AM
• Law School 4055
The Program on Negotiation & Dispute Resolution at Duke Law School is a NC mediation training program approved by the NC Dispute Resolution Commission. For more information on the program, please see: https://law.duke.edu/pondr/40-hour-mediation. Sponsored by Program on Negotiation & Dispute Resolution. Questions may be directed to Becky Chapman at becky.chapman@law.duke.edu.
Wednesday, May 21, 2025
- 8:00 AM
• Law School 4047
The Carolina Legal Research and Writing Colloquium is a biennial meeting of legal research and writing professors from law schools in North and South Carolina and elsewhere. The program will address various topics of interest in teaching lawyering skills, providing academic support to students, and administering legal research and writing programs. The event is sponsored by Duke Law's Legal Analysis, Research, and Writing Program. For more information, contact Becky Chapman at becky.chapman@law.duke.edu Registration link & agenda will be forthcoming.
Friday, September 12, 2025
- 1:00 PM
• Law School 4th Floor Loggia
For more information please contact the Alumni & Development Office at alumni_office@law.duke.edu.
Wednesday, October 15, 2025
- 9:00 AM
• Law School 4055
The Program on Negotiation & Dispute Resolution at Duke Law School is a NC mediation training program approved by the NC Dispute Resolution Commission. For more information on the program and to register, please see: https://law.duke.edu/pondr/40-hour-mediation. Sponsored by Program on Negotiation & Dispute Resolution. Questions may be directed to Becky Chapman at becky.chapman@law.duke.edu.
Thursday, October 16, 2025
- 8:00 AM
• Law School 4055
The Program on Negotiation & Dispute Resolution at Duke Law School is a NC mediation training program approved by the NC Dispute Resolution Commission. For more information on the program and to register, please see: https://law.duke.edu/pondr/40-hour-mediation. Sponsored by Program on Negotiation & Dispute Resolution. Questions may be directed to Becky Chapman at becky.chapman@law.duke.edu.
Friday, October 17, 2025
- 8:00 AM
• Law School 4055
The Program on Negotiation & Dispute Resolution at Duke Law School is a NC mediation training program approved by the NC Dispute Resolution Commission. For more information on the program and to register, please see: https://law.duke.edu/pondr/40-hour-mediation. Sponsored by Program on Negotiation & Dispute Resolution. Questions may be directed to Becky Chapman at becky.chapman@law.duke.edu.
Saturday, October 18, 2025
- 8:00 AM
• Law School 4055
The Program on Negotiation & Dispute Resolution at Duke Law School is a NC mediation training program approved by the NC Dispute Resolution Commission. For more information on the program and to register, please see: https://law.duke.edu/pondr/40-hour-mediation. Sponsored by Program on Negotiation & Dispute Resolution. Questions may be directed to Becky Chapman at becky.chapman@law.duke.edu.
Sunday, October 19, 2025
- 8:00 AM
• Law School 4055
The Program on Negotiation & Dispute Resolution at Duke Law School is a NC mediation training program approved by the NC Dispute Resolution Commission. For more information on the program and to register, please see: https://law.duke.edu/pondr/40-hour-mediation. Sponsored by Program on Negotiation & Dispute Resolution. Questions may be directed to Becky Chapman at becky.chapman@law.duke.edu.
Friday, October 24, 2025
- 9:00 AM
• Law School 3041
Please contact the Alumni & Development Office at alumni_office@law.duke.edu.
Friday, October 31, 2025
- 8:00 AM
• Law School 3000
By invitation only. Welfarism is a family of moral views that see morality as oriented around the production of good outcomes. This conference aims to increase interest in welfarist legal theory in the legal system (U.S. or non-U.S. law). More information is available on the conference website. This conference is organized by the Duke Center for Law, Economics and Public Policy (CLEPP). For more information, please contact Leanna Doty (leanna.doty@law.duke.edu) or Becky Chapman (becky.chapman@law.duke.edu).
Saturday, November 01, 2025
- 8:00 AM
• Law School 3000
By invitation only. Welfarism is a family of moral views that see morality as oriented around the production of good outcomes. This conference aims to increase interest in welfarist legal theory in the legal system (U.S. or non-U.S. law). More information is available on the conference website. This conference is organized by the Duke Center for Law, Economics and Public Policy (CLEPP). For more information, please contact Leanna Doty (leanna.doty@law.duke.edu) or Becky Chapman (becky.chapman@law.duke.edu).