Delegating Sovereignty: Constitutional and Political
March 3 and 4, 2006
This workshop will consider the implications of national delegations of authority to international institutions from the perspectives of both U.S. constitutional law and political science theory. There will be discussion of both general thematic topics such as delegating adjudicative authority and delegating treaty amendment authority, as well as topics relating to particular subject areas, such as international criminal law, international trade law, international environmental law, and the use of force. The participants will include a mix of political scientists, constitutional law professors, and international law professors. Participants will be discussing 5-10 page discussion papers prepared for the workshop. A follow-up conference to discuss more developed papers will take place in the fall of 2006.
This workshop has been organized by Curtis Bradley, the Richard and Marcy Horvitz Professor at Duke Law School, and Professor Judith Kelley, Assistant Professor of Public Policy and Political Science at Duke University, and it is being sponsored by Duke Law School's Program in Public Law.
Information on the 2007 Workshop "The Law and Politics of International Delegation" now available.