Legal History Blog, Mary
Dudziak, University of Southern California, Founder; Dan Ernst, Georgetown Law
Center; Karen Tani, University of California-Berkeley; Mitra Sharafi,
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Launched in the fall of 2006, this blog offers regular reflections on new
scholarship in the field, the news of legal history-related professional
societies, and a forum for the exchange of ideas among legal historians.
Incorporates a rotating set of guest bloggers.
Juridicus, Peter Hansen, Legal
History Project
A legal history blog paying especially close attention to discussions relevant
to legal history in the mainstream media. No longer updated; full archives
The Edinburgh Legal History Blog, Centre for Legal History, University of Edinburgh Law School
Announcements for lectures, workshops, and symposia, along with developments
in the legal history of Scotland and elsewhere.
European Society for Comparative Legal History
Posts calls for papers, conferences, and relevant resources in comparative
legal history with the intent to promote the study of comparative legal
history, biased toward European and Western legal history.
Irish Society of Comparative Law
Posts calls for papers, lectures, seminars, etc. related to international
comparative law, including opportunities in Ireland that may not be announced
Environment, Law, and History
Offers a common forum for those working in law, history, geography, and
environmental studies to exchange ideas. Posts calls for papers, conferences
and opportunities in environment, law and history from all over the world.
The Canadian Legal History Blog, the Osgoode Society
Forum to share knowledge and discuss topics in Canadian legal history.
Gender and the Law Prof Blog, Tracy Thomas, University of Akron School of Law
Blog focused on
women, gender, and the law with significant content about the history of
women, gender, and the law and women’s rights movements.
Faculty Lounge Blog, Bridget
Crawford, Dan Filler, Steven Lubet, Alfred Brophy, et al.
conversations generally about law, culture, and academia with frequent posts
about legal history.
Jotwell, A. Michael Froomkin, Editor in
Forum to review the recent work of legal scholars. Deborah Dinner
and Joanna Grisinger serve as legal history section editors.
Litera Scripta, University of Alabama Law School
Special collections blog created to
talk about collections at the University of Alabama Bounds Law Library, mainly
focused on legal history in Alabama.
Från Schylters Lustgård, Kjell Å Modéer
Swedish language blog focused on
comparative legal history (Google translate version available in chrome).
Legal History Miscellany,
Sara M. Butler, Krista Kesselring, Katherine D. (Cassie) Watson
for archival finds related to the histories of law, crime, and justice.
Rechtsgeschiedenis Blog, Otto Vervaart
Blog about legal history from a Dutch perspective.