Honors, Awards & Fellowships,
American Society for Legal History
List of links to all active honors, awards, and research fellowships offered
by ASLH.
Program in Law and Public Affairs Fellowships, Princeton University
Annual residential fellowships for “world-class experts” on law,
“drawn from law schools, the social sciences, the humanities, and from
the world of policy-making and legal practice.” Fellows often teach a
course during the term of the fellowship.
Samuel L. Golieb Fellowships,
New York University Law School
Two to three residential fellowships granted annually to young legal
Cromwell Fellowships, American Society of Legal History
Annual awards given to support the research of early career legal historians.
In the past the Foundation has awarded between three and eight scholars in
amounts up to $5,000.
American Bar Foundation
Fellowship opportunities vary from year to year. In the past, ABF has offered
annual residential fellowships for advanced social science graduate students
working on legal topics, as well as visiting fellowships for legal scholars.
ABF continues to invite applications from both graduate students and scholars
for the status of visiting fellow. Visiting fellows receive work space and
possibly a computer at the ABF in Chicago, though no stipend or other
financial support. The Foundation also continues to offer Fellowships for its
Montgomery Summer Diversity Program, aimed at diverse undergraduates who would
like to gain experience in legal research.
Raoul Berger-Mark DeWolf Howe Legal History Fellowship, Harvard University Law School
One academic-year fellowship with a $38,000 stipend, for young scholars,
typically holding the J.D. and Ph.D., embarking on a career in legal history,
based either in law or history.
J. Willard Hurst Summer Institute in Legal History, University of Wisconsin
Biennial, two-week institute, run by leading scholars in the field, for
advanced graduate students and untenured faculty who are specializing in legal
history; expenses of fellows covered.
Abdallah S. Kamel Center Research Fellowships, Yale Law School
One-year residential fellowships for academic
research relating to Islamic law and civilization. Stipends range from $45,000
to $60,000, commensurate with education and experience.
Berg Fellowships, Tel Aviv University
The David Berg Foundation Institute for Law and History hosts visiting
scholars each year, providing stipends and access to the David J. Light Law
Stanford Center for Law and History Fellowship, Stanford Center for Law and History
One-to-two-year fellowships (two
year preferred) to complete a significant body of independent scholarship;
comes with competitive salary and benefits, and an office.