Honors, Awards & Fellowships, American Society for Legal History
List of links to all active honors, awards, and research fellowships offered
by ASLH, as well as a list of past winners by year.
Theodor Kerzner Q.C. Research Grants, Osgoode Society for Canadian Legal History
Research grants for
faculty, graduate students, or independent scholars researching any aspect of
Canadian legal history; unlikely to exceed $3,000.
Kathryn T. Preyer Scholars, American Society of Legal History
Annual selection of two young scholars in American legal history, on the basis
of paper proposals for the Annual Meeting of the American Society of Legal
History. Winners receive financial support to attend the ASLH meeting and a
small honorarium.
Littleton-Griswold Research Grant in U. S. Legal History, American Historical Association
Annual grants of up to $1000 for research in American legal history.
Preference given to advanced doctoral students, non-tenured faculty, and
unaffiliated scholars, or to those with specific research needs, such as the
completion of a project; must be an AHA member to apply.