- Honors, Awards & Fellowships, American Society for Legal History
List of links to all active honors, awards, and research fellowships offered by ASLH, as well as a list of past winners by year.
Book Prizes
- John Philip Reid Book Award, American Society of Legal History
Annual prize to the best book in English in the broad field of Anglo-American legal history.
- Littleton-Griswold Prize in American Law and Society, American Historical Association
Annual prize of $1000 to the best historical monograph in American Law and Society.
- J. Willard Hurst Book Prize, Law and Society Association
Annual $500 prize to the best book in socio-legal history.
- Cromwell Book Prize, American Society of Legal History
Annual prize of $5000 “for excellence in scholarship in the field of American Legal History by a junior scholar.” Graduate students, law students, and untenured junior faculty are eligible.
Article Prizes
- Cromwell Article Prize, American Society of Legal History
Annual prize of $5000 for the best article in American legal history published by an early career scholar, with a preference for articles in the colonial and early National periods. Articles published in Law and History Review are ineligible.
- Surrency Prize, American Society of Legal History
Annual award for the best article in Law and History Review.
- Sutherland Prize, American Society of Legal History
Annual award for the best article in English legal history.
- Alfred L. Brophy Prize, American Journal of Legal History
Annual prize for the article or other contribution in the American Journal of Legal History that most significantly breaks new ground and adds new insights to the study and understanding of United States legal history.
- The Van Caenegem Prize, European Society for Comparative Legal History
Prize awarded to a young legal historian deemed to have written the best article in Comparative Legal History, the ESCLH journal, or a comparative legal history in another journal in the same year.
Student Prizes
- Cromwell Dissertation Prize, American Society of Legal History
Annual prize of $5000 to the best dissertation in any area of American legal history, including constitutional and comparative studies. Topics dealing with the colonial and early national periods will receive some preference.
- Dissertation Prize, Law and Society Association
Annual award to the best dissertation in law and society. Cash award of $500.
- Student Paper Prizes, Law and Society Association
Annual awards, one to an undergraduate and one to a graduate student, for an interdisciplinary research paper addressing some aspect of law and society. Cash award of $500.
- Morris L. Cohen Student Essay Competition: Annual competition offered by the American Association of Law Libraries, open to students currently enrolled in accredited graduate programs in library science, law, history, and related fields. Essays may be on any topic related to legal history, rare law books, or legal archives. Winner receives a $500 prize and up to $1,000 for expenses to attend the AALL Annual Meeting.