Other Web Gateways to Legal History
The Legal History Project, Peter Hansen
This site offers an extensive set of links to legal history materials of
various kinds and is especially strong in its overview of primary source
databases. The site also includes an archive of transcribed interviews with
leading legal historians from around the world, either about their experience
teaching legal history, or aspects of their research.
Legal History Guide, the University of Texas Law School
Extremely useful compilation of links to numerous web resources, including:
primary source web archives in American and non-U.S. legal history; archival
holdings of legal materials at American research libraries, and online guides
to state and federal court records.
Roman Law Resources, University of
Glasgow School of Law
A website dedicated to the study of Roman law with useful links to a variety
of materials, including a list of civil law journals, upcoming conferences,
and Roman law primary sources.
Medieval Law, Netserf
Links to wide variety of online materials relating to medieval European law.
Resources on Medieval Canon Law, ,Stephan Kuttner Institute of Medieval Canon Law
German and English language website with introductory overviews of the topic,
bibliographies, and some links to primary source databases and other European
legal history sites.
Research Guides, The National Archives (U.K.)
Index to numerous research guides relevant for the student of legal history in
Britain and the British Empire, searchable by subject.
Guide to Law and Legal Resources, The National Archives (U.S.)
The National Archives (U.S.) Links to a variety of legal history resources,
weighted toward the recent past, including chronologies, primary source web
archives (particularly federal appellate decisions, administrative rulings,
and treaties), and legal dictionaries and encyclopedias.
American Legal History Online Sources, University of Chicago Law School
Extensive compilation of links to public documents in American legal history,
with a strong bias toward constitutional law.
On the Trail: Reproductive Rights Legal History on the Web, Women’s Studies Library, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Annotated overview of web resources on legal/constitutional questions
pertaining to reproduction, mostly in the U.S., but also abroad.
Law and Justice in Latin America, University of Texas
Gateway to variety of sites on constitutional law, legal systems, and human
rights in Latin America, including regional and national sites, as well as
governmental, non-governmental, and library resources; weighted toward the
contemporary period.
Afghan Legal History Project, Harvard Law School
Collaborative faculty-graduate seminar that has posted several broad overviews
of Afghanistan’s legal history, each of which sketches research agendas
in the field.
African Law on the Internet, Stanford University
Eclectic set of links to primary source databases, archives, and websites of
African courts, with a strong focus on the contemporary period.
Legal History--Collections and Links, Lex Scripta, Queensland, Australia
Australia legal history gateway; particularly useful for links to non-U.S.
library guides to legal history, and web overviews of legal history outside
the U.S.
Anglo-Indian legal history, Mitch Fraas, University of Pennsylvania
Includes extensive bibliographies of primary sources, links to primary sources
and discussions of the topic area, and some of Fraas’ own research
Mitra Sharafi’s South Asian Legal History Resources, Mitra Sharafi, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Extremely rich compilation of published primary sources, law articles, and
useful links, along with a research guide to case law, information about
Indian colonial lawyers, bibliography of secondary sources, research notes and
Sharafi’s perspectives on the field. Weighted toward the later colonial
Rechtshistorie, Otto Vervaart.
Extensive gateway to Roman, Medieval, Common law, and Old Dutch law, compiled
by a Dutch archivist. Each section contains explanatory notes, reading lists,
and links to more specialized digital resources and archives. Vervaart also
maintains a legal history blog.
Regulatory Oral History Hub, William Goldsmith, Elizabeth Brake, and Edward Balleisen, Rethinking
Regulation@the Kenan Institute for Ethics, Duke University
Overview of oral history collections involving public and quasi-public
regulatory agencies and the regulatory process, including interviews of
regulators, lawyers, and judges. Mostly focused on the U.S., with annotated
links to digital collections. Particularly useful for projects on regulatory
governance since the 1960s.
Legal History Resources, American Society
for Legal History
Includes resources for doing legal history, such as gateways, legal history
societies and centers, the “Talking Legal History” podcast, and
pointers for early career scholars.
Common Law Resources, Meghan Woolley
Annotated compilation of English Common law reference guides and sources,
weighted towards the medieval period.