Student Employment
If you are planning to work as a Research Assistant, Teaching Assistant or any other position at the Law School, you must report to the Administrative Services Office prior to beginning work. The Administrative Services Office is located on the first floor of the Law School in Suite 1015. Take the stairs to the right on the second floor just past Career Services and turn right at the bottom of the stairs. The staff in the Administrative Services Office can provide you with a student hire packet or you can download one from this site. The student hire packet must be completed and submitted to the Administrative Services Office along with proper identification during a payroll meeting. If you are already on the student payroll at the Law School or elsewhere at Duke you must set up a secondary position. The download buttons below offer important information on student employment including how to get set up on student payroll and submit time cards. Contact Cathy Perkins in Administrative Services at if you have any questions and to set up a payroll meeting.
At this site you will find the following:
Student Payroll Information
This memo provides information about Duke@Work, how to submit time cards, and other helpful information.
Download Student Payroll Information Memo
Student Employment Hire Packet
The hire packet should be printed and completed prior to scheduling a payroll meeting to be set up on student payroll.
Download Student Employment Hire Packet
Authorization for Student Payroll
The Authorization for Student Payroll should be printed and completed before submitting to update current position and/or set up a secondary position. You must already be on student payroll at Duke to submit an Authorization for Student Payroll form.
Download Authorization for Student Payroll
Time Card Deadlines
Electronic time cards are requested by 10 am on Friday of the second week of the pay period, unless you work over the weekend. If you do work over the weekend you should submit your time card when you are finished working, but no later than Sunday midnight.
Download Bi-Weekly Payroll Schedule
Guide To Duke@Work
Duke@Work is an internet-based tool that allows all Duke personnel access to view and update personal information regarding their employment.