655 Spanish for Legal Studies

The purpose of the course is to introduce students to Spanish legal concepts and technical language used in the civil law tradition as applied in Latin America. The course seeks to improve the Spanish oral and written communication skills of the students.

The course seeks also to expose students to some of the main issues that may arise in the practice of law dealing with Latin America. Thus, there will be discussion of cultural, historical and political traits of the region in order to provide students with better tools as facilitators of human international relations between English and Spanish speakers. The overall objective of the course is to enrich the possibilities that Spanish as a second language brings to the profession.

Prerequisite: Spanish language skills sufficient to follow a class, participate and understand the written materials. If you have questions about the degree of Spanish required please consult with the instructor before registration.

El objetivo del curso es familiarizar a los estudiantes con los principales conceptos juridicos y lenguaje tecnico que se utiliza en la tradicion del derecho civil en la America de habla castellana. Se busca mejorar las habilidades de comunicacion oral y escrita en el idioma castellano.

El curso busca tambien explorar algunas de las cuestiones principales que se le pueden presentar a un abogado extranjero en su practica con America Latina. Por lo tanto, se hablara de cuestiones culturales, historicas y politicas de America Latina para dar mayores herramientas al los estudiantes como futuros facilitadores de la comunicacion humana para una utilizacion mas enriquecedora de las posibilidades que brinda el castellano como un segundo idioma.

Pre-requisito: Dominio suficiente del idioma castellano para poder seguir una clase, intercambiar opiniones y comprender los materiales. Si tiene preguntas sobre el nivel de dominio del lenguaje necesario, por favor consulte al instructor antes de registrarse.

Degree Requirements
Course Type
  • Seminar
Learning Outcomes
  • Other professional skills needed for competent and ethical participation as a member of the legal profession

Sample Syllabi

Spring 2025

Course Number Course Credits Evaluation Method Instructor

655.01 2 Sebastian Kielmanovich

The purpose of the course is to introduce students to Spanish legal concepts and technical language used in the civil law tradition as applied in Latin America. The course seeks to improve the Spanish oral and written communication skills of the students.

The course seeks also to expose students to some of the main issues that may arise in the practice of law dealing with Latin America. Thus, there will be discussion of cultural, historical and political traits of the region in order to provide students with better tools as facilitators of human international relations between English and Spanish speakers. The overall objective of the course is to enrich the possibilities that Spanish as a second language brings to the profession.

Prerequisite: Spanish language skills sufficient to follow a class, participate and understand the written materials. If you have questions about the degree of Spanish required please consult with the instructor before registration.

El objetivo del curso es familiarizar a los estudiantes con los principales conceptos juridicos y lenguaje tecnico que se utiliza en la tradicion del derecho civil en la America de habla castellana. Se busca mejorar las habilidades de comunicacion oral y escrita en el idioma castellano.

El curso busca tambien explorar algunas de las cuestiones principales que se le pueden presentar a un abogado extranjero en su practica con America Latina. Por lo tanto, se hablara de cuestiones culturales, historicas y politicas de America Latina para dar mayores herramientas al los estudiantes como futuros facilitadores de la comunicacion humana para una utilizacion mas enriquecedora de las posibilidades que brinda el castellano como un segundo idioma.

Pre-requisito: Dominio suficiente del idioma castellano para poder seguir una clase, intercambiar opiniones y comprender los materiales. Si tiene preguntas sobre el nivel de dominio del lenguaje necesario, por favor consulte al instructor antes de registrarse.


Spring 2024

Course Number Course Credits Evaluation Method Instructor

655.01 2 Sebastian Kielmanovich

The purpose of the course is to introduce students to Spanish legal concepts and technical language used in the civil law tradition as applied in Latin America. The course seeks to improve the Spanish oral and written communication skills of the students.

The course seeks also to expose students to some of the main issues that may arise in the practice of law dealing with Latin America. Thus, there will be discussion of cultural, historical and political traits of the region in order to provide students with better tools as facilitators of human international relations between English and Spanish speakers. The overall objective of the course is to enrich the possibilities that Spanish as a second language brings to the profession.

Prerequisite: Spanish language skills sufficient to follow a class, participate and understand the written materials. If you have questions about the degree of Spanish required please consult with the instructor before registration.

El objetivo del curso es familiarizar a los estudiantes con los principales conceptos juridicos y lenguaje tecnico que se utiliza en la tradicion del derecho civil en la America de habla castellana. Se busca mejorar las habilidades de comunicacion oral y escrita en el idioma castellano.

El curso busca tambien explorar algunas de las cuestiones principales que se le pueden presentar a un abogado extranjero en su practica con America Latina. Por lo tanto, se hablara de cuestiones culturales, historicas y politicas de America Latina para dar mayores herramientas al los estudiantes como futuros facilitadores de la comunicacion humana para una utilizacion mas enriquecedora de las posibilidades que brinda el castellano como un segundo idioma.

Pre-requisito: Dominio suficiente del idioma castellano para poder seguir una clase, intercambiar opiniones y comprender los materiales. Si tiene preguntas sobre el nivel de dominio del lenguaje necesario, por favor consulte al instructor antes de registrarse.

Syllabus: 655-01-Spring2024-syllabus.pdf438.38 KB


Spring 2023

Course Number Course Credits Evaluation Method Instructor

655.01 2 Sebastian Kielmanovich

The purpose of the course is to introduce students to Spanish legal concepts and technical language used in the civil law tradition as applied in Latin America. The course seeks to improve the Spanish oral and written communication skills of the students.

The course seeks also to expose students to some of the main issues that may arise in the practice of law dealing with Latin America. Thus, there will be discussion of cultural, historical and political traits of the region in order to provide students with better tools as facilitators of human international relations between English and Spanish speakers. The overall objective of the course is to enrich the possibilities that Spanish as a second language brings to the profession.

Prerequisite: Spanish language skills sufficient to follow a class, participate and understand the written materials. If you have questions about the degree of Spanish required please consult with the instructor before registration.

El objetivo del curso es familiarizar a los estudiantes con los principales conceptos juridicos y lenguaje tecnico que se utiliza en la tradicion del derecho civil en la America de habla castellana. Se busca mejorar las habilidades de comunicacion oral y escrita en el idioma castellano.

El curso busca tambien explorar algunas de las cuestiones principales que se le pueden presentar a un abogado extranjero en su practica con America Latina. Por lo tanto, se hablara de cuestiones culturales, historicas y politicas de America Latina para dar mayores herramientas al los estudiantes como futuros facilitadores de la comunicacion humana para una utilizacion mas enriquecedora de las posibilidades que brinda el castellano como un segundo idioma.

Pre-requisito: Dominio suficiente del idioma castellano para poder seguir una clase, intercambiar opiniones y comprender los materiales. Si tiene preguntas sobre el nivel de dominio del lenguaje necesario, por favor consulte al instructor antes de registrarse.


Spring 2022

Course Number Course Credits Evaluation Method Instructor

655.01 2 Sebastian Kielmanovich

The purpose of the course is to introduce students to Spanish legal concepts and technical language used in the civil law tradition as applied in Latin America. The course seeks to improve the Spanish oral and written communication skills of the students.

The course seeks also to expose students to some of the main issues that may arise in the practice of law dealing with Latin America. Thus, there will be discussion of cultural, historical and political traits of the region in order to provide students with better tools as facilitators of human international relations between English and Spanish speakers. The overall objective of the course is to enrich the possibilities that Spanish as a second language brings to the profession.

Prerequisite: Spanish language skills sufficient to follow a class, participate and understand the written materials. If you have questions about the degree of Spanish required please consult with the instructor before registration.

El objetivo del curso es familiarizar a los estudiantes con los principales conceptos juridicos y lenguaje tecnico que se utiliza en la tradicion del derecho civil en la America de habla castellana. Se busca mejorar las habilidades de comunicacion oral y escrita en el idioma castellano.

El curso busca tambien explorar algunas de las cuestiones principales que se le pueden presentar a un abogado extranjero en su practica con America Latina. Por lo tanto, se hablara de cuestiones culturales, historicas y politicas de America Latina para dar mayores herramientas al los estudiantes como futuros facilitadores de la comunicacion humana para una utilizacion mas enriquecedora de las posibilidades que brinda el castellano como un segundo idioma.

Pre-requisito: Dominio suficiente del idioma castellano para poder seguir una clase, intercambiar opiniones y comprender los materiales. Si tiene preguntas sobre el nivel de dominio del lenguaje necesario, por favor consulte al instructor antes de registrarse.


Fall 2019

Course Number Course Credits Evaluation Method Instructor

655.01 2 Sebastian Kielmanovich

The purpose of the course is to introduce the students to the Spanish legal concepts and technical language used in the civil law tradition as applied in Latin America. The course will focus on Argentinean law. The course seeks to improve the Spanish oral and written communication skills of the students.
The course seeks also to expose the students to some of the main issues that may arise in the practice of law dealing with Latin America. Thus, there will be discussion of cultural, historical and political traits of the region in order to provide students with better tools as facilitators of human international relations between English and Spanish speakers, in the context of transnational legal transactions. The overall objective of the course is to enrich the possibilities that Spanish as a second language may bring to the profession.
Prerequisite: Spanish language skills sufficient to follow a class, participate and understand the written materials. If you have doubts about the degree of Spanish required please talk with the instructor before registration.

El objetivo del curso es familiarizar al estudiante con los principales conceptos juridicos y lenguaje tecnico que se utiliza en la tradicion del derecho civil en la America de habla castellana. El curso hara enfasis en el derecho argentino. Se busca mejorar las habilidades de comunicacion oral y escrita en el idioma castellano.
El curso busca tambien explorar algunas de las cuestiones principales que se le pueden presentar a un abogado extranjero en su practica con America Latina. Dentro de este proposito, se discutiran cuestiones culturales, historicas y politicas de America Latina para dotar de mayores herramientas al estudiante como futuro facilitador de la comunicacion humana, incluyendo las transacciones juridicas internacionales, para la utilizacion mas enriquecedora de las posibilidades que brinda un segundo idioma.
Pre-requisito: Dominio suficiente del idioma castellano para poder seguir una clase, intercambiar opiniones y comprender los materiales. Si se tiene dudas sobre el nivel de dominio del lenguaje necesario, por favor consulte al instructor antes de registrarse.


Fall 2018

Course Number Course Credits Evaluation Method Instructor

655.01 2 Sebastian Kielmanovich

The purpose of the course is to introduce the students to the Spanish legal concepts and technical language used in the civil law tradition as applied in Latin America. The course will focus on Argentinean law. The course seeks to improve the Spanish oral and written communication skills of the students.
The course seeks also to expose the students to some of the main issues that may arise in the practice of law dealing with Latin America. Thus, there will be discussion of cultural, historical and political traits of the region in order to provide students with better tools as facilitators of human international relations between English and Spanish speakers, in the context of transnational legal transactions. The overall objective of the course is to enrich the possibilities that Spanish as a second language may bring to the profession.
Prerequisite: Spanish language skills sufficient to follow a class, participate and understand the written materials. If you have doubts about the degree of Spanish required please talk with the instructor before registration.

El objetivo del curso es familiarizar al estudiante con los principales conceptos juridicos y lenguaje tecnico que se utiliza en la tradicion del derecho civil en la America de habla castellana. El curso hara enfasis en el derecho argentino. Se busca mejorar las habilidades de comunicacion oral y escrita en el idioma castellano.
El curso busca tambien explorar algunas de las cuestiones principales que se le pueden presentar a un abogado extranjero en su practica con America Latina. Dentro de este proposito, se discutiran cuestiones culturales, historicas y politicas de America Latina para dotar de mayores herramientas al estudiante como futuro facilitador de la comunicacion humana, incluyendo las transacciones juridicas internacionales, para la utilizacion mas enriquecedora de las posibilidades que brinda un segundo idioma.
Pre-requisito: Dominio suficiente del idioma castellano para poder seguir una clase, intercambiar opiniones y comprender los materiales. Si se tiene dudas sobre el nivel de dominio del lenguaje necesario, por favor consulte al instructor antes de registrarse.

Degree Requirements

Fall 2017

Course Number Course Credits Evaluation Method Instructor

655.01 2 Sebastian Kielmanovich
The purpose of the course is to introduce the students to the Spanish legal concepts and technical language used in the civil law tradition as applied in Latin America. The course will focus on Argentinean law. The course seeks to improve the Spanish oral and written communication skills of the students.
The course seeks also to expose the students to some of the main issues that may arise in the practice of law dealing with Latin America. Thus, there will be discussion of cultural, historical and political traits of the region in order to provide students with better tools as facilitators of human international relations between English and Spanish speakers, in the context of transnational legal transactions. The overall objective of the course is to enrich the possibilities that Spanish as a second language may bring to the profession.
Prerequisite: Spanish language skills sufficient to follow a class, participate and understand the written materials. If you have doubts about the degree of Spanish required please talk with the instructor before registration.

El objetivo del curso es familiarizar al estudiante con los principales conceptos juridicos y lenguaje tecnico que se utiliza en la tradicion del derecho civil en la America de habla castellana. El curso hara enfasis en el derecho argentino. Se busca mejorar las habilidades de comunicacion oral y escrita en el idioma castellano.
El curso busca tambien explorar algunas de las cuestiones principales que se le pueden presentar a un abogado extranjero en su practica con America Latina. Dentro de este proposito, se discutiran cuestiones culturales, historicas y politicas de America Latina para dotar de mayores herramientas al estudiante como futuro facilitador de la comunicacion humana, incluyendo las transacciones juridicas internacionales, para la utilizacion mas enriquecedora de las posibilidades que brinda un segundo idioma.
Pre-requisito: Dominio suficiente del idioma castellano para poder seguir una clase, intercambiar opiniones y comprender los materiales. Si se tiene dudas sobre el nivel de dominio del lenguaje necesario, por favor consulte al instructor antes de registrarse.

Degree Requirements

Fall 2016

Course Number Course Credits Evaluation Method Instructor

655.01 2 Sebastian Kielmanovich

The purpose of the course is to introduce the students to the Spanish legal concepts and technical language used in the civil law tradition as applied in Latin America. The course will focus on Argentinean law. The course seeks to improve the Spanish oral and written communication skills of the students.
The course seeks also to expose the students to some of the main issues that may arise in the practice of law dealing with Latin America. Thus, there will be discussion of cultural, historical and political traits of the region in order to provide students with better tools as facilitators of human international relations between English and Spanish speakers, in the context of transnational legal transactions. The overall objective of the course is to enrich the possibilities that Spanish as a second language may bring to the profession.
Prerequisite: Spanish language skills sufficient to follow a class, participate and understand the written materials. If you have doubts about the degree of Spanish required please talk with the instructor before registration.

El objetivo del curso es familiarizar al estudiante con los principales conceptos juridicos y lenguaje tecnico que se utiliza en la tradicion del derecho civil en la America de habla castellana. El curso hara enfasis en el derecho argentino. Se busca mejorar las habilidades de comunicacion oral y escrita en el idioma castellano.
El curso busca tambien explorar algunas de las cuestiones principales que se le pueden presentar a un abogado extranjero en su practica con America Latina. Dentro de este proposito, se discutiran cuestiones culturales, historicas y politicas de America Latina para dotar de mayores herramientas al estudiante como futuro facilitador de la comunicacion humana, incluyendo las transacciones juridicas internacionales, para la utilizacion mas enriquecedora de las posibilidades que brinda un segundo idioma.
Pre-requisito: Dominio suficiente del idioma castellano para poder seguir una clase, intercambiar opiniones y comprender los materiales. Si se tiene dudas sobre el nivel de dominio del lenguaje necesario, por favor consulte al instructor antes de registrarse.

Degree Requirements

*Please note that this information is for planning purposes only, and should not be relied upon for the schedule for a given semester. Faculty leaves and sabbaticals, as well as other curriculum considerations, will sometimes affect when a course may be offered.