783.01 Dignitary Torts

This is a three-hour advanced torts course on dignitary torts. That course has four components:1. The common law of intentional infliction of emotional distress, defamation, and privacy.2. Changes in the common law governing those torts necessitated by Supreme Court decisions handed down after 1964.3. Changes in other common law jurisdictions (UK, Can. Aus. and NZ) by their partial response to the concerns that prompted NY Times v. Sullivan in 1964.4. Developments in the UK and Europe in response to the European Court of Human Rights decisions that the rights of free expression and of privacy are of equal value.For the first two parts we will use my Advanced Torts casebook, although those students who have used my Torts casebook in the first year could use that book instead. For the last two parts we shall use materials distributed in class.

Spring 2012

Course Number Course Credits Evaluation Method Instructor
Course Credits
George C. Christie
Degree Requirements