556.01 Second Amendment: History, Theory, and Practice

Recent Supreme Court decisions have ushered in a new era of Second Amendment theory, litigation, and politics. Current events keep issues of firearms, gun violence, gun safety, and self-defense constantly in the news. This seminar will explore the Second Amendment and other aspects of federal and state firearms law. Students will be introduced to the historical and public policy materials surrounding the Second Amendment, the regulatory environment concerning firearms, and the political and legal issues pertaining to firearm rights-enforcement and policy design. Evaluation for the seminar will be based on in-class participation and a choice between six short reaction papers or one thirty-page paper.

Fall 2024

Course Number Course Credits Evaluation Method Instructor
Course Credits
Reaction Papers
Research paper, 25+ pages
Class participation
Joseph Blocher, Andrew Willinger
Canvas site: https://canvas.duke.edu/courses/41670
Degree Requirements
Course Requirements - JD
Course Requirements - LLM
Course Requirements - Public Interest
Course Areas of Practice