2017 Symposium: Whiskey in the Courtroom

Death Scene Investigation and Crime Scene Reconstruction
Registration is now full for this program.
When: March 3, 2017
Location: Duke Law School
Approved for 6 hours of NC CLE credit
Symposium Co-sponsors

Tentative Agenda |
8:15-9:00 am |
Registration & Posters |
9:00-9:10 am | Introduction: Program Chairs Jamie Lau, Theresa Newman, and Sarah Rackley Olson |
9:10-10:10 am | Blunt Force Trauma and Burning in Skeletal Remains: Chelsey Juarez, Ph.D. Forensic Scientist and Assistant Professor, NCSU Dr. Juarez’s presentation will improve attendees’ understanding of the indicators of skeletal injuries and how to interpret scientific reports concerning them. |
10:10-10:40 am | Experts Panel Experts from the NC State Crime Lab, Accident Reconstruction Analysis, PLLC, the NC Office of the Chief Medical Examiner, and DewProcess Graphics, Inc. will provide a brief introduction to their work and its application in the courtroom. (30 min CLE) |
10:40-10:50 am | Break |
10:50-11:50 am | Using Insect Colonies to Determine Time of Death: Wes Watson, Ph.D. Public Health and Veterinary Entomologist, NCSU Dr. Watson will discuss how entomology may be used to determine a victim’s time of death and will deconstruct a sample report on the insects’ presence and stage. |
11:50-12:30 pm |
Lunch During the lunch break, attendees may view the mock crime scene and meet with poster presenters. |
12:30-1:30 pm |
Second-by-Second Construction of a Defense: David Rudolf, J.D. Rudolf Widenhouse, Charlotte and Chapel Hill Mr. Rudolf will discuss his defense of Kenan Gay, a law student charged with second degree murder following an altercation at a bar. The defense largely rested on what happened during a critical three-second period outside the bar, and this presentation will demonstrate how to focus on such a small window of time to prove the defense.
1:30-2:30 pm |
Reconstructing Crime Scenes: Marilyn Miller, MS, Ph.D Expert witness in crime scene reconstruction and Associate Professor at Virginia Commonwealth University
2:30-2:40 pm | Break |
2:40–4:10 pm |
Using Crime Scene Reconstruction in the Courtroom: Marilyn Miller, MS, Ph.D. |
4:10-4:15 pm |
Closing Remarks |