Foreign Relations Law Workshop
The annual Duke-Harvard Foreign Relations Law Workshop is a collaborative effort of Professor Curt Bradley of Duke and Professor Jack Goldsmith of Harvard. Alternating between the Duke and Harvard law schools, each year the workshop brings together leading scholars of U.S. foreign relations law, who write and discuss short papers focused on a particular topic. In recent years the workshop has focused on topics such as international human rights litigation, the war powers of the President, and the status of treaties in the U.S. legal system.
This year marks the seventh annual meeting of the Workshop, which will be held at Harvard on Saturday, October 8th. The focus this year will be on "Historical Practice and the President's War Powers."
Duke-Harvard Foreign Relations Law Workshop
Historical Practice and the President's War Powers
Harvard Law School
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Invitation only.
Participant List:
Curtis Bradley, Duke Law School
Sarah Cleveland, Columbia Law School
Richard Fallon, Harvard Law School
Michael Glennon, Tufts Fletcher School
Jack Goldsmith, Harvard Law School
John Harrison, Virginia Law School
Douglas Kriner, Boston Political Science
Trevor Morrison, Columbia Law School
Sai Prakash, Virginia Law School
Michael Ramsey, San Diego Law School
Peter Spiro, Temple Law School
Ingrid Wuerth, Vanderbilt Law School
Mariah Zeisberg, Michigan Political Science