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A legal education that goes beyond a degree.

Duke Law School is an ambitious, forward-thinking, and innovative institution whose mission is to prepare students for responsible and productive lives in the legal profession. As a community of scholars, the Law School also provides leadership at the national and international levels in efforts to improve the law and legal institutions through teaching, research, and other forms of public service.

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Why Duke, Why Now?

Duke Law is serious about academics. But we're also serious about creating "whole lawyers," people whose lives and interests and work complement each other. Here, you'll find a community of people who are as passionate about life as they are about their studies. We balance hard work with fun, intellectual engagement and purposeful living. At Duke Law, we firmly believe you can have it all.

Landing Page Three Column News
Dean Kerry Abrams

The Duke Way

At Duke Law School, we like to follow a set of values that we believe set us apart from other law schools.

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about The Duke Way
Public Interest students

Public Interest

The value of service is core to the profession and central to the Duke Law experience.

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about Public Interest
group of students

Diversity at Duke Law

Diversity is more than a statement or a goal: it is part of our educational mission.

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about Diversity at Duke Law

Summer Institutes

Courses with Duke Law faculty in The Hague and here in Durham.

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about Summer Institutes
Durham bull statue

Durham: The Bull City

The secret is out: Durham is a great place to live. 

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The Bull City
Duke Law building

Plan a Visit

Choosing a law school is a significant decision and visiting is one of the best ways to see if a school is right for you.

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about Planning a Visit
Landing Page Additional Data

Additional Information

Pre-Law Fellowship Program

ABA Required Disclosures