


Articles & Essays

Newspaper Articles and Commentary

  • Instead of Gun Regulation, Let’s Try Innovation, The Hill () (with Joseph Blocher)
  • How Copyright Is Killing Creativity — Except Taylor Swift’s, The Hill () (with Glynn S. Lunney, Jr.)
  • Can Neuroscience Fix Trademark Surveys?, JOTWELL () (reviewing Zhihao Zhang, Maxwell Good, Vera Kulikov, Femke van Horen, Mark Bartholomew, Andrew S. Kayser & Ming Hsu, From Scanner to Court: A Neuroscientifically Informed "Reasonable Person" Test of Trademark Infringement, 9 Science Advances 1 (2023))
  • How Ed Sheeran's Serenade May Have Swayed the Jury, Law360 ()
  • Viral Sea Shanties on TikTok Expose America’s Broken Copyright System, Business Insider ()
  • Cleveland Baseball Team, You’re Out of Excuses – Drop Offensive Team Name Now, The Undefeated () (with Natalie Welch)
  • Sports Teams Were Silent on Indigenous Peoples’ Day, Indian Country Today () (with Natalie Welch)
  • Teams Must Do More Than Ban Native American Headdresses, Offensive Gestures, The Undefeated () (with Natalie Welch)
  • USPTO Should Fix Costly and Biased Design Patent Bar Rules, Law360 () (with Jeanne Curtis)
  • The Blurred Lines of Copyright Law Are Limiting Musical Creativity, The Recorder ()
  • When Social Norms for Innovation Don’t Maximize Social Welfare, JOTWELL () (reviewing Stephanie Plamondon Bair & Laura G. Pedraza-Fariña, Anti-Innovation Norms, 112 Northwestern University Law Review 1069-1136 (2018))
  • Who Deserves Those 4 Inches of Airplane Seat Space? An Investigation Into the Economics of Reclining, Slate () (with Christopher Jon Sprigman)
Christopher Buccafusco portrait

Christopher Buccafusco

Assistant: Leanna Doty
Curriculum Vitae (PDF)
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