Jenny Light re-joined the Law School’s Alumni and Development Office as the Associate Director for Advancement Services, Alumni and Donor Communications in October 2022. Jenny previously worked in ADO for four years before departing to become Administrative Coordinator supporting the work of the Office of the Secretary. Jenny will work to create and implement a comprehensive program for communications with our ~13,000 alumni and friends of the school - providing outlets for the life-long engagement of these constituents. She will be immersed in, and lead, the planning and execution of the messaging emanating from ADO to both internal and external audiences, including identification and segmentation of audiences, and generating content and delivery plans. She will serve as a representative of ADO to intra-school and university communications teams. Jenny received her Bachelor’s Degree from Duke University and has a Master’s Degree in Higher Education from N.C. State University. She loves exploring local areas, playing with her German Shepard-Husky mix dog, and trying to keep up with her young son.