Francesca Bignami was a professor at the Duke Law School from 2000 to 2008, teaching courses on European Union law, administrative law, and comparative public law. Her expertise focused on comparative constitutional and administrative law, as well as the law of international governance systems such as the European Union.
In addition to teaching at Duke Law, Bignami served as the Director of the Center for European Studies of Duke University.
Bignami received an A.B. from Harvard University (1991) and a J.D. from Yale Law School (1996), where she was an editor of the Yale Law Journal. She also obtained a M. Sc. from the University of Oxford, Balliol College in 1992. Prior to her entry into teaching, she clerked for Judge Stephen F. Williams of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit from 1996-1997, and practiced litigation in Washington, DC. While on the faculty at Duke Law Bignami was also a visiting professor at the law schools of Harvard University, the University of Rome “La Sapienza”, and the Libera Universita Delgi Studi Sociali (LUISS) in Rome. After leaving Duke she joined the faculty of the law school at George Washington University.
Duke University, School of Law, Bulletin of Duke University School of Law [serial]
Francesca Bignami Profile, The George Washington University School of Law, [] (last viewed March 2, 2015)
- Administrative Law
- European Union Law
- Comparative Constitutional Law (Seminar)
- Current Issues in International and Comparative Law
Articles & Essays
- European versus American Liberty: A Comparative Privacy Analysis of Antiterrorism Data Mining, 48 Boston College Law Review 609-698 ()
- Le reti trans-governative e la democrazia: il caso della rete europea per la protezione dei dati personali, 2007 Il codice del trattamento dei dati personali 837-894 (V. Cuffaro, R. D'Orazio, & V. Ricciuto eds ,)
- Privacy and Law Enforcement in the European Union: The Data Retention Directive, 8 Chicago Journal of International Law 233-254 ()
- Towards a Right to Privacy in Transnational Intelligence Networks, 28 Michigan Journal of International Law 663-686 ()
- Protecting Privacy Against the Police in the European Union: The Data Retention Directive, in Mlanges en l'Honneur de Philippe Lger 109-125 (Yves Bot et al. eds.,, )
- Rethinking Interest Representation in the European Union, 26 Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 439-447 () (reviewing Stijn Smismans, Law, Legitimacy and European Governance: Functional Participation in Social Regulation (Oxford University Press 2004))
- Creating European Rights: National Values and Supranational Interests, 11 Columbia Journal of European Law 241-353 ()
- The European Union's New Ambitions, 99 American Society of International Law Proceedings 363-366 ()
- Transgovernmental Networks vs. Democracy: The Case of the European Information Privacy Network, 26 Michigan Journal of International Law 807-868 ()
- Foreword: The Administrative Law of the European Union, 68 Law and Contemporary Problems 1-20 (Winter )
- Il Procedimento amministrativo nel diritto europeo, Rivista Trimestrale di Diritto Pubblico () (with Sabino Cassese)
- Introduzione, in Rivista trimestrale di diritto pubblico 1-30 ()
- Mixed Administration in the European Data Protection Directive: The Regulation of International Data Transfers, 54 Rivista Trimestrale di Diritto Pubblico 31-58 ()
- The Challenge of Cooperative Regulatory Relations After Enlargement, in Law and Governance in an Enlarged European Union 97-140 (George Bermann & Katharina Pistor eds., )
- Three Generations of Participation Rights Before the European Commission, 68 Law and Contemporary Problems 61-83 ()
- Tre generazioni di diritti di partecipazione nei procedimenti amministrativi europei, 87 Rivista trimestrale di diritto pubblico 87-124 ()
- Three Generations of Participation Rights in European Administrative Proceedings, Jean Monnet Working Paper ()
- Book Review, 11 Social & Legal Studies 317 () (reviewing Theodora Th. Ziamou, Rulemaking, Participation & the Limits of Public Law in The USA and Europe (2001) and Edward C. Page, Governing by Numbers (2001))
- Transatlantic Civil Society Dialogues, in Transatlantic Governance in the Global Economy 255 (Mark Pollack & Gregory Shaffer eds.,, ) (with Steve Charnovitz)
- Accountability and Interest Group Participation in Comitology: Lessons from American Rulemaking ()
- The Administrative State in a Separation of Powers Constitution: Lessons for European Community Rulemaking from the United States, Jean Monnet Working Paper No. ()
- The Democratic Deficit in European Community Rulemaking: A Call for Notice and Comment In Comitology, 40 Harvard International Law Journal 451 ()
Issues Edited
- Administrative Law of the European Union, Law and Contemporary Problems (Winter ) (with Sabino Cassese)
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