George Wellington Gillmor
Assistant Professor of Law 1972-1974

George Gillmor was a Duke University Assistant Professor of Law from 1972 to 1974, teaching courses in Commercial Law, Corporate Finance, Legal Accounting, and Contracts.

Gillmor received a B.S., B.A., and LL.B. from Boston University in 1965, 1965, and 1967, respectively. While at the Boston University School of Law, he served as the Editor-in-Chief of the Law Review. Prior to his arrival at Duke Law, he worked in private practice in Chicago. He died in 2013. 


Duke University, School of Law, Bulletin of Duke University School of Law [serial]

George Wellington Gilmor Obituary (Nov. 11, 2013),[] (last visited March 17, 2015)

George Wellington Gillmor
Historic Faculty