Kazimierz Grzybowski began his relationship with Duke Law in 1964, remaining until his death in 1993. He published widely in the specializations of comparative law and international trade throughout his career.
Apart from his career as a professor, Grzybowski devoted three years serving as a District Court Judge in his native Lwow, Poland, before the German invasion. He served in the military throughout the Second World War. His work in the United States began with an editorial position with the Library of Congress in 1951. Subsequently he did consultant work at Rand Corporation from 1960 to 1962. Grzybowski spent years teaching at various institutions worldwide.
Grzybowski received his M.L.L. and D.L.L. at the University of Lwow in 1931 and 1934, respectively, and obtained a S.J.D. from Harvard University in 1933. Prior to his arrival at Duke University, he taught at the law schools of the University of Lwow, the University of Michigan, Yale University, Leiden University, and Strasbourg University.
Duke University, School of Law, Bulletin of Duke University School of Law [serial]
- Comparative Law
- International Law
- International Business Transactions
- International Law I
- Seminar in Comparative Law
Articles & Essays
- Worker's Councils in Poland, 6 Problems of Communism 16 ()
- Book Review, 18 International Journal of Legal Information 75 () (reviewing Meissner, Die Soveietunion im Umbruch: Historische Hintergrunde, Ziele, und Grenzen der Reformpolitik Gorbatschows)
- Le Conseil d'Aide Econmique Mutuelle (CAEM) et la Communaute Europeenne (CE), 21 Revue d'Etudes Comparatives Est-Ouest 113 ()
- The Council for Mutual Eocnomic Assistance and the European Community, 84 American Journal of International Law 284 ()
- Book Review, 17 International Journal of Legal Information 99 () (reviewing Barry et al eds., Law and the Gorbechev Era: Essays in Honor of Dietrich Loeber)
- Book Review, 17 International Journal of Legal Information 182 () (reviewing Bloed, The External Relations of the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance)
- Book Review, 17 International Journal of Legal Information 99 () (reviewing Bokor-Szego ed., Questions of International Law--Hungarian Perspectives)
- Capitalist Investment in the Soviet Union, Past and Present, 23 Osteuropa-Recht ()
- La Communaute Socialiste et le Projets de Gorbechev, 19 Revue d'Etudes Comparatives ()
- Book Review, 16 International Journal of Legal Information 135 () (reviewing F. Madl & L. Vekas, The Law of Conflicts and Foreign Trade)
- Book Review, 16 International Journal of Legal Information 47 () (reviewing H. Hurst, The Right to Leave and Return in International Law and Practice)
- Book Review, 16 International Journal of Legal Information 27 () (reviewing O. Ioffe & P. Maggs, The Soviet Economic System, A Legal Analysis)
- Book Review, 82 American Journal of International Law 420 () (reviewing A. Uschakow & D. Frenzke, Der Warschauer Pakt und Seine Bilateralen Bundnisvertrage: Analyse und Texte (1988))
- Gorbachev's Plans for the Socialist Commonwealth, 1988 Osteuropa-Recht 195 ()
- The New Soviet Law of the Sea, 32 Osteuropa-Recht 163 ()
- Human Rights and the Soviet Union, 31 Osteuropa-Recht ()
- Book Review, 77 American Journal of International Law 205 () (reviewing Polish Yearbook of International Law, Vol. x, 1979-80)
- Comment, 46 Law & Contemporary Problems 205-208 (Spring )
- Book Review, 12 Perspective 59 () (reviewing Scott, The Dynamics of Interdependence)
- Book Review, 11 Perspective () (reviewing Schreuer, Decisions of International Institutions Before Domestic Courts)
- Book Review () (reviewing Camps & Gwinn, Collective Management)
- Reflections on UNCLOS III, 3 New York Journal of International & Comparative Law 581-590 ()
- The Regime of Diplomacy and the Tehran Hostages, 30 International & Comparative Law Quarterly 42-58 ()
- Developements Recents du Droit Concernant le Commerce Est-Ouest: Les Pays Socialistes Membres du GATT, 11 Revue d'Etudes Comparatives Est-Ouest 5 ()
- Socialist Countries in GATT, 18 American Journal of Comparative Law 1539 ()
- Penal Regimes and Dissenters in the Soviet Orbit, 43 Law & Contemporary Problems 289-295 (Spring )
- The U.S. Fishery Conservation and Management Act 1976 - a Plan for Diplomatic Action, 28 International & Comparative Law Quarterly 685-702 ()
- East-West Trade Regulation in the United States (1974 Trade Act, Title IV), 3 North Carolina Journal of International Law & Commercial Regulation 1-14 ()
- Socialist Legality and Uncensored Literature in the Soviet Union, 10 Case Western Reserve Journal of International Law 299-322 ()
- East-West Trade Regulations in the United States: The 1974 U.S. Trade Act, Title IV, 11 Journal of World Trade Law ()
- Property and Tort in Nuclear Law Today, 10 Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law 433-456 ()
- Towards Integrated Management of International Trade - the U.S. Trade Act of 1974, 26 International & Comparative Law Quarterly 283-323 () (with others)
- The United States Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act 1976, 1978 Journal of Business Law 111 ()
- Book Review, 1975 Duke Law Journal 206 () (reviewing Hazard and Wagner eds., Law in the United States of America in Social and Technological Revolution, and Hazard and Wagner eds., Legal Thought in the United States of America Under Contemporary Pressures)
- Legal Thought in the United States of America Under Contemporary Pressures (1970) and Law in the United States of America in Social and Technological Revolution (1974), 1975 Duke Law Journal 206-212 ()
- Book Review, 22 American Journal of Comparative Law 384 () (reviewing Starosciak ed., Instytucie Prawa Administracyjnego Europe jskish Panstw Socjalistycznych)
- Control of U.S. Trade With China: An Overview, 38 Law & Contemporary Problems 175-181 ()
- Court Reform in England, 21 American Journal of Comparative Law 747-751 ()
- Foreword, 38 Law & Contemporary Problems 173-174 ()
- Arbitral Tribunals for Foreign Trade in Socialist Countries, 37 Law & Contemporary Problems 592-610 ()
- Foreword, 37 Law & Contemporary Problems 533-534 ()
- Foreword, 37 Law & Contemporary Problems 393-394 ()
- United States-Soviet Union Trade Agreement of 1972, 37 Law & Contemporary Problems 395-428 ()
- The Foreign Trade Regime in the Comecon Countries Today, 4 New York Journal of International & Comparative Law 183-211 ()
- The Nominalistic Principle—A Legal Approach to Inflation Deflation and Revaluation by Eliyahu Hirschberg, 1971 Duke Law Journal 1030-1032 ()
- Internal Telecommunications Control, 1970 Duke Law Journal 411-424 ()
- Westliche Forschungen auf dem Gebiet des Sowjetischen Internationalen Privatrechts, 16 Osteuropa-Recht 143 ()
- Law and Communist Reality in the Soviet Union, 55 American Bar Association Journal 938-942 ()
- Reform of Government in Poland, 17 American Slavic and European Review 454 ()
- Soviet Law of Diplomacy, 1968 Annuaire de l'U.R.S.S. 5811 () (also published as World Rule of Law Booklet Series, 46)
- Propoganda and the Soviet Concept of World Public Order, 31 Law & Contemporary Problems 479-505 (Summer )
- Soviet Inheritance Cases in American Courts and the Soviet Property Regime, 1966 Duke Law Journal 98-116 () (with others)
- Case of Wankowicz, 11 Osteuropa-Recht 293 ()
- Eastern Europe: Legislative Trends, 14 Problems of Communism 122 ()
- Les Institutions Economiques Internationales de la Communaute des Pays Socialistes, 1965 Annuaire de l'U.R.S.S. 469 ()
- Soviet Criminal Law, 14 Problems of Communism 51 ()
- Book Review, 1964 Legal Problems Under Soviet Domination 114 () (reviewing Kulski, The Soviet Regime, Communism in Practice)
- Economic Crimes in the Soviet Union, 5 Journal of the International Commission of Jurists 3 ()
- International Organizations From the Soviet Point of View, 29 Law & Contemporary Problems 882-895 (Fall )
- Socialist Judges in the International Court of Justice, 1964 Duke Law Journal 536-549 ()
- The Campaigns in Western Europe: A Soviet Interpretation, 6 Polish Review 1 ()
- Two Faces of Legal Reforms in the Soviet Union, 2 Annuaire de l'U.R.S.S. 183 ()
- Book Review, 37 Indiana Law Journal 140 () (reviewing Stein and Nicholson eds., American Enterprise in the European Common Market)
- Book Review, 12 American Journal of Comparative Law 120 () (reviewing Bellon, Droit Penal Sovietique et Droit Penal Occidental; Leur Evolution, Leurs Tendances)
- Draft of the Civil Code for Poland, 6 Law in Eastern Europe ()
- In Quest of the Counterpoise: Principle and Policy, 17 Review of Metaphysics 243 ()
- History in the Remaking, 11 Problems of Communism 63 ()
- La Loi et la Coutume en Pologne, 46 Rapports Polonais ()
- The Common Market and the Unity of European Law, 376 Indiana Law Journal 140 ()
- Woodrow Wilson on Law, State, and Society, 30 George Washington Law Review 808 ()
- Book Review, 8 American Journal of Comparative Law 248 () (reviewing Bogsch, Universal Copyright Convention, An Analysis and Commentary)
- Protection of Personal Liberty in the Criminal Procedures of Eastern Europe, 3 Journal of the International Commission of Jurists 69 ()
- Reform of Civil Law in Hungary, Poland, and the Soviet Union, 10 American Journal of Comparative Law 253 ()
- Main Trends in the Soviet Reform of Criminal Law, 9 American University Law Review 93 ()
- Powers Trial and the 1958 Reform of Soviet Criminal Law, 9 American Journal of Comparative Law 425 ()
- Soviet Criminal Law Reform of 1958, 35 Indiana Law Journal ()
- Soviet Reform of Criminal Law of 1958, 6 Osteuropa-Recht 108 ()
- Book Review, 8 American Journal of Comparative Law 403 () (reviewing von Hentig, Vom Ursprung der Henkersmahlzeit)
- Book Review, 53 American Journal of International Law 704 () (reviewing Ehrlich, Prawo Miedzynarodowe)
- Book Review, 8 American Journal of Comparative Law 99 () (reviewing Maurach, Deutsches Strafrecht Allgemeiner Teil Ein Lehrbuch)
- Book Review, 8 American Journal of Comparative Law 99 () (reviewing Gerats, Lekschas, and Renneberg, Lehrbuch des Strafrechts der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik Allgemeiner Teil)
- Book Review, 8 American Journal of Comparative Law 543 () (reviewing Keyers, Die Strafverfahren der Bundesrepublik und der Sowjetunion)
- Book Review, 53 American Journal of International Law 741 () (reviewing Nahlik, Grables Dziel Satuki, Rodowod Zbrodni Miedzunarodowe)
- Book Review, 7 American Journal of Comparative Law 316 () (reviewing Pfersich, Die Strafzumessung im Lichte der Modernen Amerikanischen Schule (1958))
- Book Review, 8 American Journal of Comparative Law 541 () (reviewed Bouere, Le Droit de Greve)
- Book Review, 8 American Journal of Comparative Law 530 () (reviewing Greyfie de Beliecombe, Les Conventions Collectives de Travail en Union Sovietique)
- Book Review, 5 Free World Review 32 () (reviewing Knorr, NATO and American Security)
- Extraterritorial Effect of Soviet Criminal Law After the Reform of 1958, 8 American Journal of Comparative Law 515 ()
- Le Gouvernement Tsariste a la Veille de sa Chute: Le Test de la Question Polonaise, 1959 Politique: Revue Internationale des Doctrines et des Institutions 90 ()
- New French Constitution, 8 American Journal of Comparative Law 214 ()
- Worker's Self-Government - New Style, 4 Polish Review 57 ()
- Book Review, 7 American Journal of Comparative Law 313 () (Reinkemeyer, Die Soejetische Zwolfmeilenzone in der Ostsee und die Freiheit des Meeres (1958))
- Book Review, 7 American Journal of Comparative Law 315 () (reviewing Grutzner, Internaler Rechtshilfeverkehr in Strafsachenz)
- Book Review () (reviewing Lyon, trans., Das Bulgarische Strafgesetzbuch (Vol. 2), 1959, and Mattes, trans., Das Argentinische Strafgesetzbuch)
- Book Review, 52 American Journal of International Law 808 () (reviewing Ehrlich, Interpretacja Traktatow)
- Book Review, 7 American Journal of Comparative Law 315 () (reviewing von Hentig, Zur Psychologie der Einzeldelikte der Betrug (1958))
- Book Review, 7 American Journal of Comparative Law 300 () (reviewing Jeschek, Beitrage zu den Problemen des Strafrechts, Jeschek, Das Menschenbild Unserer Zeit und die Strafrechtsreform, and Jeschek, Klassenkampf und Strafrecht)
- Book Review, 7 American Journal of Comparative Law 122 () (reviewing Geike, Die Polnische Strafgesetzgebung Seit 1944)
- Book Review, 17 Slavic and East European Review 131 () (reviewing Larson, Nightmare of the Innocents (1958))
- Danish Criminal Code, 7 American Journal of Comparative Law 420 ()
- Judicial Procedure in the Soviet Union and in Eastern Europe, 1 Journal of the International Commission of Jurists 269 ()
- Reform and Codification of Polish Laws, 7 American Journal of Comparative Law 393 ()
- The Jakhontov Papers: Russo-Polish Relations 19l4-19l6, 18 Journal of Central European Affairs 2 ()
- The Polish Doctrine of the Law of War in the Fifteenth Century: A Note on the Geneology of International Law, 18 Jurist 386 ()
- The Soviet Doctrine of Mare Clausum and Policies in Black and Baltic Seas, 17 Journal of Central European Affairs 339 ()
- Worker's Self-Government in Poland a Year After, 3 Polish Review ()
- Book Review, 16 Journal of Central European Affairs 403 () (reviewing Waclaw, Studia a Fryderyku Skarbku Jako Ekonomiscie (1957))
- Book Review, 51 American Journal of International Law 835 () (reviewing Ehrlich, Pawel Wlodkowic i Stanislaw ze Skarbimierza, and Ehrlich, Strudia nad Genealogia Nauki Prawa Narodow)
- Continuity of Law in Eastern Europe, 6 American Journal of Comparative Law 44 ()
- Polish Worker's Councils, 17 Journal of Central European Affairs 273 ()
- Book Review, 5 American Journal of Comparative Law 691 () (von Hentig, Die Strafe (Vol. II): Die Modernen Erscheinungsformen (1956))
- Book Review, 5 American Journal of Comparative Law 309 () (reviewing Langrod, La Science et L'Enseignement de L'Administration Publique aux Etats-Unis (1956))
- Book Review, 5 American Journal of Comparative Law 314 () (reviewing Karamuntzos, Die Vorlaufige Festnahme bei Flagrantdelikten (1956))
- Book Review, 5 American Journal of Comparative Law 309 () (Ripolles and deQuintano trans., Das Spanische Strafgesetzbuch(1956))
- Book Review, 5 American Journal of Comparative Law 313 () (reviewing Kielwein, Die Straftaten Gegen das Vermogen im Englischen Recht, and Lang-Hinrichen, Das Strafsystem in Auslandischen Strafrecht (1956))
- Foreign Trade Policy of the Soviet Union, 1 The Polish Review 97 ()
- Free Courts on Soviet Law, 3 Fed. B. News 107 ()
- Legislation of Poland: Laws, Decree Orders, Ordinances, 16 Fed. B. Rev. 430 ()
- New Approach to Labor Discipline, 1 Polish Review 126 ()
- Polnische Gewerkschaften vor Neuen Aufgaben, 8 Ost-Probleme 1646 ()
- Trade Unions in Communist Poland, 5 Problems of Communism ()
- Book Review, 4 American Journal of Comparative Law 132 () (Lukanow, Der Missbrauch der Verteidigerstellung im Englischen und Deutschen Strafprozess (1955))
- Private Rights and Administration of Justice in Communist Poland, 2 Fed. B. News 99 ()
- Public Policy and Soviet Law in the West After World War II, 4 American Journal of Comparative Law 365 ()
- Destruction of Private Enterprise in Mid-Europe, 2 Fed. B. News 68 ()
- Foreign Investment and Political Control in Eastern Europe, 13 Journal of Central European Affairs 27 ()
- From Contract to Status; Some Aspects of the Reception of Soviet Law in Eastern Europe, 11 Seminar, An Annual Extraordinary Number of the Jurist 55 ()
- La Continuite Legale dans les Democraties Populaires, 54 Revue Politique et Parlementaire 55 ()
- Offenses Against the Peace and Security of Mankind; East Germany, Albania, Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland, Rumania, Outer Mongolian Republic, 46 American Journal of International Law 99 ()
- Soviet Bloc Peace Defense Laws, 46 American Journal of International Law 537 () (reprinted with translations of laws in 46 Am. J. Int'l L. Supp. 99 (1952))
- Interpretation of Decisions of International Tribunals, 35 American Journal of International Law 482 ()
- Obywatelstwo Jednostki w Orzecznictwie Trybunalow, 2 Glos Grawnikow Slaskich ()
- Wymiar Sprawiedliwoci w Swietle Przepisow Konstytucji Kwietniowej, 1939 Glos Sadownictwa ()
- Zasada Iura Novit Curia w Procesie Miedzynarodowym, 1939 Ruch Prawiczy Ekonomiczny i Socjolgiczny 156 ()
- Isotota Przemian Prawnybh Ligi Narodow, 11 Glos Sadownictwa ()
- Strajk w Orzecznictwie Sadu Najwyzszego, 3 Ruch Prawniczy Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny 254 ()
- Stanowisko Jednostki w Polskim Systemic Konstytucyjnym, 4 Zjazd Prawnikow Polskich w Gdyni 1 ()
![Kazimierz Grzybowski](https://law.duke.edu/sites/default/files/images/directory/grzybowski.jpg)