Robert Kramer
Associate Professor of Law, 1947-1949, Professor of Law, 1949-1960

Robert Kramer was a member of the Duke Law faculty for over a decade.  He taught several subjects but most consistently led classes on jurisprudence and administrative law.  He was the editor of both Law and Contemporary Problems and the Journal of Legal Education.  Kramer also co-authored the treatise Federal Estate and Gift Taxes with fellow Duke Law Professor Charles L. B. Lowndes in 1956.

Kramer completed both his undergraduate and law degrees at Harvard, in 1935 and 1938.  After finishing law school he joined the National Labor Relations Board as counsel.  During World War II he served in several positions with the Ordnance Department of the U.S. Army.  After the war he had a general practice until joining Duke Law in 1947.

In 1959 Kramer became an Assistant Attorney General in the Justice Department.  As a result his teaching load at Duke was reduced.  During the 1960-1961 academic year Kramer only taught two classes during the spring semester.  When his role in the Justice Department ended in 1961 he became Dean and Professor of Law at George Washington University, a position he kept until his retirement.  He gained emeritus status in 1979 and died in 2001.


Duke University, School of Law, Bulletin of Duke University School of Law [serial]

Kramer, Robert, 1979-1980 AALS Directory of Law Teachers 476

Robert Kramer, 87 [], Quad-City Times (February 9, 2001) (last viewed August 14, 2015)

Robert Kramer
Historic Faculty