Ralf Michaels is an expert in comparative law and conflict of laws. His research while a faculty member focused mainly on three issues: the role of domestic courts in globalization, the role of conflict of laws as a theory of global legal fragmentation, and the status and relevance of law beyond the state. He has authored numerous articles on all three topics.
Michaels is the editor or co-editor of two special volumes of the American Journal of Comparative Law: "Beyond the State? Rethinking Private Law", 2008 (also published as a book) and "Legal Origins", 2009, as well as a book and a journal issue on conflict of laws: Conflict of Laws in a Globalized World (2007); Transdisciplinary Conflicts, Law and Contemporary Problems, 2008.
Michaels has been a visiting professor at the Universities of Panthéon/Assas (Paris II), Princeton, Pennsylvania, Toronto, and the London School of Economics. He has also held senior research fellowships at Harvard and Princeton, as well as the American Academy in Berlin and the Max Planck Institute for Private Law in Hamburg. In 2015, he gave a number of lectures on private international law at The Hague Academy for International Law.
Michaels studied law at the Universities of Passau and Cambridge, UK. He is married and has three daughters. His skills at the piano are in steady decline.
In 2019 Prof. Michaels returned to Europe where he is Director at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law in Hamburg, Global Law Professor at Queen Mary University of London School of Law, and Professor of Law at Hamburg University.
- International Arbitration
- Comparative Law
- Comparative Law:Western Legal Traditions
- Conflict of Laws
- International Civil Litigation
- Civil Litigation in US Federal Courts: Transnational Issues
- Globalization of the Family
- Readings: Comparative Law Methodology
- Religious Laws
Duke Program
Comparative Law
- Liber Amicorum Klaus Schurig (Sellier, ) (editor)
- Beyond the State: Rethinking Private Law (Mohr/Siebeck, ) (editor with Nils Jansen)
- Conflict of Laws in a Globalized World (Cambridge University Press, ) (A tribute to Arthur von Mehren) (editor with others)
- Sachzuordnung durch Kaufvertrag. Konsensprinzip, Traditionsprinzip, ius ad rem in Geschichte, Theorie und geltendem Recht [Assigning Ownership through Contracts of Sales. Consent, Delivery, ius ad rem in History, Theory, and Current Law] (Duncker & Humblot, )
Articles & Essays
- A Symmetry of Asymmetries? A Private-International-Law Reconstruction of Lindahl’s Work on Boundaries, 29 Duke Journal of Comparative & International Law 405-422 ()
- The Functional Method of Comparative Law, in The Oxford Handbook of Comparative Law (Mathias Reimann and Reinhard Zimmermann, eds., )
- Mehr Freiheit wagen im Recht der Privatutonomie? Rechtswahlfreiheit und religiöse Rechte, in Mehr Freiheit Wagen 251-280 (Anatol Dutta and Christian Heinze, eds., )
- Carl Georg von Wächter, in Elgar Encyclopedia of Private International Law (Jürgen Basedow et al. eds., )
- Comparative Law and Private International Law, in Elgar Encyclopedia of Private International Law (Jürgen Basedow et al. eds., )
- Internationalizing the New Conflict of Laws Restatement, 27 Duke Journal of Comparative & International Law 349-359 () (with Christopher A. Whytock)
- Joesph Story, in Elgar Encyclopedia of Private International Law (Jürgen Basedow et al. eds., )
- Jurisdiction, foundations, in Elgar Encyclopedia of Private International Law (Jürgen Basedow et al. eds., )
- Law and Recognition-- Towards a Relational Concept of Law, in In Pursuit of Pluralist Jurisprudence 90-115 (Nicole Roughan & Andrew Halpin eds., )
- Supplanting Foreign Antitrust, 79 Law & Contemporary Problems 223-247 (No. 4 )
- Towards a Private International Law for Regulatory Conflicts?, 59 Japanese Yearbook of International Law 175-201 ()
- Zugangsschranken – Rezeptionsprobleme der Systemtheorie in der US-amerikanischen Rechtstheorie, in Privatrechtstheorie heute: Perspektiven deutscher Privatrechtstheorie 238-267 (Michael Grünberger & Nils Jansen eds., )
- Does Brexit Spell the Death of Transnational Law?, 17 German Law Journal 51-61 (Brexit Special Supplement )
- On Liberalism and Legal Pluralism, in Transnational Law: rethinking European law and legal thinking 122-142 (Miguel Maduro et al eds., )
- Religiöse Rechte und Postsäkulare Rechtsvergleichung, in Zukunftsperspektiven der Rechtsvergleichung 39-102 (Reinhard Zimmermann, ed., )
- State Law as a Transnational Legal Order, 1 UC Irvine Journal of International, Transnational, and Comparative Law 141-160 ()
- The Conflicts Restatement and the World, 110 AJIL Unbound 155-160 ()
- Transnationalizing Comparative Law, 23 Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law 352-358 ()
- Preamble I: Purposes, Legal Nature, and Scope of the PICC; Applicability by Courts; Use of the PICC for the Purpose of Interpretation and Supplementation and as a Model, in Commentary on the UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts 31-109 (Stefan Vogenauer ed., )
- What Is Non-State Law? A Primer, in Negotiating State and Non-State Law: The Challenges of Global and Local Legal Pluralism 41-58 (Michael Helfand ed., )
- Foreword , in Jie Huang, Interregional Recognition and Enforcement of Civil and Commercial Judgments (2014)
- European Class Actions and Applicable Law, in Cross-Border Class Actions: The European Way 111-141 (Arnaud Nuyts & Nikitas E. Hatzimihail eds., )
- Non-State Law in the Hague Principles on Choice of Law in International Commercial Contracts, in Varieties of European Economic Law and Regulation: Liber Amicorum for Hans Micklitz 43-69 (Kai Purnhagen & Peter Rott eds., )
- On Liberalism and Legal Pluralism, in Transnational Law: Rethinking Law and Legal Thinking 122-142 (Miguel Maduro, Kaarlo Tuori & Suvi Sankari eds., )
- Post-Critical Private International Law: From Politics to Technique, in Private International Law and Global Governance 54-67 (Horatia Muir Watt & Diego P Fernandez Arroyo eds., )
- Private Lawyer in Disguise? On the Absence of Private Law and Private International Law in Martti Koskenniemi's Work, 27 Temple International & Comparative Law Journal 499-521 ()
- Roles and Role Perceptions in International Commercial Arbitration, in International Arbitration and Global Governance--Contending Theories and Evidence 43-73 (Walter Mattli & Thomas Dietz eds., )
- The UNIDROIT Principles as Global Background Law, 19 Uniform Law Review 643-668 ()
- Was ist nichtstaatliches Recht? Eine Einführung [What is Non-State Law? An Introduction], in Transnationales Recht -- Stand und Perspektiven 39-56 (Gralf-Peter Calliess ed., )
- "One Size Can Fit All" – Some Heretical Thoughts on the Mass Production of Legal Transplants, in Order from Transfer: Comparative Constitutional Design and Legal Culture Law 56-78 (Günter Frankenberg ed., )
- Book Review, 2012 Scholar: St. Mary's Law Review on Minority Issues 236-238 () (reviewing Legal Pluralism and Development: Scholars and Practitioners in Dialogue (Brian Z. Tamanaha, Caroline Sage & Michael Woolcock eds., 2012))
- Dreaming Law Without a State: Scholarship on Autonomous International Arbitration as Utopian Literature, 1 London Review of International Law 35-62 ()
- Globalization and Law: Law Beyond the State, in Law and Social Theory 289-303 (Reza Banakar & Max Travers eds., )
- Make or Buy A Public Market for Legal Transplants?, in Regulatory Competition in Contract Law and Dispute Resolution 27-42 (Horst Eidenmller ed., )
- Party Autonomy in Private International Law--A New Paradigm Without a Solid Foundation?, 15 Japanese Yearbook of Private International Law 282-284 ()
- Why We Have No Theory of European Private Law Pluralism, in Pluralism and European Private Law 139-160 (Leone Niglia ed.,, )
- American Law (United States), in Elgar Encyclopedia of Comparative Law 66-77 (Jan Smits, ed., ) (2006, 2d ed. 2012)
- Book Review, 10 International Journal of Constitutional Law 1179-1184 () (reviewing Moritz Renner, Zwingendes transnationales Recht. Zur Struktur der Wirtschaftsverfassung jenseits des Staates [Mandatory Transnational Law. On the Structure of the Economic Constitution Beyond the State] (Nomos, 2011))
- Code vs. Code: Nationalist and Internationalist Images of the Code Civil in the French Resistance to a European Codification, 8 European Review of Contract Law 277-295 ()
- Die Struktur der kollisionsrechtlichen Durchsetzung einfach zwingender Normen, in Liber Amicorum Klaus Schurig 191-210 (Ralf Michaels & Dennis Solomon eds, )
- Entries, 2012 Max Planck Encyclopedia of European Private Law (Jrgen Basedow, Klaus Hopt & Reinhard Zimmermann eds ,)
- From Multiculturalism to Technique: Feminism, Culture and the Conflict of Laws Style, 64 Stanford Law Review 589-656 () (with others)
- Jurisdiction and Choice of Law in International Antitrust Law - A US Perspective, in International Antitrust Litigation: Conflict of Laws and Coordination 225-244 (Jrgen Basedow, Stphanie Francq & Laurence Idot eds.,, ) (with Hannah L. Buxbaum)
- Legal Medievalism in Lex Mercatoria Scholarship, 90 Texas Law Review 259-268 () (response to Emily Kaden, The Myth of the Customary Law Merchant, 90 Texas Law Review 1153 (2012))
- Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments, in Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law 672 (Rdiger Wolfrum ed., ) and online at www.mpepil.com (2009)
- Rollen und Rollenverstndnisse im transnationalen Privatrecht, 45 Berichte der Deutschen Vereinigung fr internationales Recht 175-227 ()
- A Fuller Concept of Law Beyond the State? Thoughts on Lon Fuller's Contributions to the Jurisprudence of Transnational Dispute Resolution--A Reply to Thomas Schultz, 2 Journal of International Dispute Settlement 417-426 ()
- Conflict of Norms or Conflict of Laws?: Different Techniques in the Fragmentation of International Law, in Multi-Sourced Equivalent Norms in International Law 19-44 (Tomer Broude & Yuval Shany eds, ) (republished in 22 Duke Journal of Comparative & International Law 349-376 (2012)) (with Joost Pauwelyn)
- Empagran's Empire: International Law and Statutory Interpretation in the U.S. Supreme Court of the 21st Century, in International Law in the U.S. Supreme Court 533-564 (David L. Sloss, Michael D. Ramsey & William S. Dodge eds, )
- Global Problems in Domestic Courts, in The Law of the Future and the Future of Law 165-176 (Sam Muller et al. eds., ) (FICHL Publication Series No. 11, 2011)
- Of Islands and the Ocean: The Two Rationalities of European Private Law, in Foundations of European Private Law 139-158 (Roger Brownsword et al. eds., )
- The Functionalism of Legal Origins, in Does Law Matter? On Law and Economic Growth 21-40 (Michael Faure & Jan Smits eds., )
- Explanation Interpretation in Functionalist Comparative Law A Response to Julie de Coninck, 74 Rabels Zeitschrift für auslndisches und internationales Privatrecht 351-359 ()
- International Law in Domestic Courts: A Conflict of Laws Approach, 103 American Society of International Law Proceedings 269-274 () (with others)
- The Mirage of Non-State Governance, 2010 Utah Law Review 31-45 ()
- After the RevolutionDecline and Return of US Conflict of Laws, 11 Yearbook of Private International Law 11-30 ()
- Comparative Law by Numbers? Legal Origins Thesis, Doing Business Reports, and the Silence of Traditional Comparative Law, 57 American Journal of Comparative Law 765-795 ()
- Entries 'Eigentum', 'Gutglubiger Erwerb', and 'Rechtsvergleichung', 'Rechtskultur', in Handworterbch des Europischen Privatrechts (Jrgen Basedow, Klaus Hopt & Reinhard Zimmermann eds., )
- Foreword: The Bernstein Memorial Lecture, The First Six Years, 1 CICLOPS (Center for International & Comparative Law Occasional Papers) ix-xii ()
- Global Legal Pluralism, 5 Annual Review of Law & Social Science 243-262 ()
- Preamble I: Purposes, legal nature, and scope of the PICC; Applicability by courts; Use of the PICC for the purpose of interpretation and supplementation and as a model, in Commentary on the UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts 21-80 (Stefan Vogenauer & Jan Kleinheisterkamp eds., )
- The Second Wave of Comparative Law and Economics?, 59 University of Toronto Law Journal 197-213 ()
- Umdenken fr die UNIDROIT - Prinzipien: Vom Rechtswahlstatut zum Allgemeinen Teil des transnationalen Vertragsrechts [Rethinking the UNIDROIT Principles: From a Law to be Chosen by the Parties Towards a General Part of Transnational Contract Law], 73 Zeitschrift für auslndisches und internationales Privatrecht 866-888 ()
- US Courts as World Courts, 12 Waseda Proceedings of Comparative Law ()
- Public and Private International Law : German Views on Global Issues, 4 Journal of Private International Law 121-138 () (reviewing Vlkerrecht und IPR (S. Leible & M. Ruffert eds., Jena, Jenaer Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft, 2006))
- Conference Report, 2008 Duke University School of Law Conference () (reviewing The New European Choice-of-Law Revolution: Lessons for the United States? (with Catherine H. Gibson)
- Book Review, 72 Rabels Zeitschrift für auslndisches und internationales Privatrecht 397-403 () (reviewing Denationalisierung des Privatrechts? Symposium anlsslich des 70. Geburtstages von Karl Kreuzer (Eva-Maria Kieninger ed., Mohr Siebeck 2005))
- Die europische IPR-Revolution: Regulierung, Europisierung, Mediatisierun, Die richtige Ordnung: Festschrift fr Jan Kropholler 151-173 (Dietmar Baetge, Jan von Hein & Michael von Hinden eds. ,)
- Economics of Law as Choice of Law, 71 Law and Contemporary Problems 73-104 (Summer )
- Foreword: Transdisciplinary Conflicts, 71 Law and Contemporary Problems 1-17 (Summer ) (with others)
- Introduction, in Beyond the State: Rethinking Private Law 1-12 (Ralf Michaels & Nils Jansen eds., ) (with Nils Jansen)
- Introduction: Beyond the State? Rethinking Private Law, 56 American Journal of Comparative Law 527-539 () (with Nils Jansen)
- Private Law and the State: Comparative Perceptions and Historical Observations, in Beyond the State: Rethinking Private Law 15-67 (Ralf Michaels & Nils Jansen eds., ) (with Nils Jansen)
- Private Law Beyond the State?: Europeanization, Globalization, Privatization, in Beyond the State: Rethinking Private Law 69-118 (Ralf Michaels & Nils Jansen eds., ) (with Nils Jansen)
- The New European Choice-of-Law Revolution, 82 Tulane Law Review 1607-1644 ()
- Book Review, 15 Perspectives: Teaching Legal Research and Writing 950-952 () (reviewing, The Need for a European Contract Law: Empirical and Legal Perspectives (Jan Smits ed., 2005))
- Comments on the European Commission's Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and the Council on the law applicable to contractual obligations (Rome I), 71 Rabels Zeitschrift für auslndisches und internationales Privatrecht 225-344 () (Working Group on Rome I, Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law) (with others)
- Globalizing Savigny? The State in Savigny's Private International Law and the Challenge from Europeanization and Globalization, in Aktuelle Fragen zu politischer und rechtlicher Steuerung im Kontext der Globalisierung 119-144 (Michael Stolleis & Wolfgang Streeck eds., )
- Private Law and the State: Comparative Perceptions, Historic Observations, and Basic Problems, 71 Rabels Zeitschrift für auslndisches und internationales Privatrecht 345-397 () (with Nils Jansen)
- Retour aux sources ? Droit et politiques des sources du droit contemporain aux Etats-Unis, 2007 Les sources du droit: aspects contemporains 97-112 (Socit de lgislation compare & Cedroma eds. ,)
- Some Fundamental Jurisdictional Conceptions as Applied in Judgment Conventions, in Conflict of Laws in a Globalized World 29-62 (Eckart Gottschalk, Ralf Michaels, Giesela Ruhl & Jan von Hein eds., )
- Systemfragen des Schuldrechts [Systemic Issues in the Law of Obligations], in Historisch-Kritischer Kommentar zum BGB 1-97 (Mathias Schmoeckel, Joachim Rckert & Reinhard Zimmermann eds.,, )
- The True Lex Mercatoria. Private Law Beyond the State, 14 Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies 447-468 ()
- US-Gerichte als Weltgerichte - Die Avantgarde der Globalisierung, DAJV Newsletter 46-54 ()
- Arthur Taylor von Mehren, 10. August 1922 - 17. January 2006, 70 Rabels Zeitschrift für auslndisches und internationales Privatrecht 233-234 () (with Giesela Rhl)
- Code vs. Code: Images of Code in the French Resistance to European Codification, in Double Maitrise Association, Paris, Cambridge University, First Spring Convention 26-28 ()
- EU Law as Private International Law? Re-Conceptualising the Country-of-Origin Principle as Vested Rights Theory, ZERP Discussion Paper ()
- EU Law as Private International Law? Re-Conceptualising the Country-of-Origin Principle as Vested Rights Theory, 2 Journal of Private International Law 195-242 ()
- Private Law Beyond the State? Europeanization, Globalization, Privatization, 54 American Journal of Comparative Law 845-892 () (with Nils Jansen)
- The Functional Method of Comparative Law, in Oxford Handbook of Comparative Law 339-382 (Mathias Reimann & Reinhard Zimmermann eds., ) (Arabic translation) (Russian translation, forthcoming in "Herald of Civil Law")
- Two Economists, Three Opinions? Economic Models for Private International Law – Cross Border Torts as Example, in An Economic Analysis of Private International Law 143-184 (Jürgen Basedow & Toshiyuki Kono eds., )
- Two Paradigms of Jurisdiction, 27 Michigan Journal of International Law 1003-1069 ()
- U.S. Courts as World Courts, in For Bob Mundheim 36-41 ()
- Book Review, European Law Books () (reviewing Mistake, Fraud and Duties to Inform in European Contract Law (Ruth Sefton-Green ed., 2005))
- Profile: Arthur Taylor von Mehren, 7 International law FORUM du droit international 213-218 ()
- Re-Placements. Jurisdiction for Contracts and Torts Under the Brussels I Regulation when Arts. 5(1) and 5(3) Do Not Designate a Place in a Member State, in International Civil Litigation in Europe and Relations With Third States 129-156 (Arnaud Nuyts & Nadine Watt eds., )
- The Re-State-ment of Non-State Law: The State, Choice of Law, and the Challenge from Global Legal Pluralism, 51 Wayne Law Review 1209-1259 ()
- Welche Globalisierung fr das Recht? Welches Recht fr die Globalisierung? [Which Globalization for the Law? Which Law for Globalization?], 69 Rabels Zeitschrift für auslndisches und internationales Privatrecht 525-544 ()
- Book Review, 12 Zeitschrift für Europisches Privatrecht 874 () (reviewing Towards a European Ius Commune in Legal Education and Research (Michael Faure, Jan Smits & Hildegard Schneider eds., 2002))
- Fnf Minuten Rechtsvergleichung, 4 Rechtsgeschichte 239-242 ()
- Territorial Jurisdiction after Territoriality, in Globalisation and Jurisdiction 105-130 (Slot & Bulterman eds., )
- US-Gerichte als Weltkartellgerichte? [US courts as World Antitrust Courts?], 24 Praxis des Internationalen Privat- und Verfahrensrechts (IPRax) 451-457 () (with Daniel Zimmer)
- Same-Sex Marriage: Canada, Europe and the United States, ASIL Insights ()
- Book Review, 4 German Law Journal 411-417 () (reviewing Rethinking the Masters of Comparative Law (Annelise Riles ed., 2001))
- Conference Report, 11th Tagung der International Academy of Commercial and Consumer Law (IACCL) in Hamburg, 67 Rabels Zeitschrift für auslndisches und internationales Privatrecht 353 () (with Giesela Rhl)
- Conference Report: Epistemology and Methodology of Comparative Law in the Light of European Integration, Brssel, 26-28 October 2002, 11 Zeitschrift für Europisches Privatrecht 453-455 ()
- Die Auslegung und Fortbildung auslndischen Rechts [Judicial Interpretation and Development of Foreign Law], 116 Zeitschrift für Zivilprozess 3-56 () (with Nils Jansen)
- Hamburg Group for Private International Law, 67 Rabels Zeitschrift für auslndisches und internationales Privatrecht 1-56 () (with others)
- Gerichtsverfassung und Verfahrensstrukturen in fderalen Gemeinwesen Diskussionsbericht [Courts and Proceedings in Federal Systems Discussion Report], 66 Rabels Zeitschrift für auslndisches und internationales Privatrecht 357-364 ()
- Im Westen nichts neues? Zum Stand der Rechtsvergleichung 100 Jahre nach dem Pariser Kongress Gedanken anlsslich einer Jubilumskonferenz in New Orleans, 66 ()
- Kannitverstaan in Zrich, 10 Zeitschrift für Europisches Privatrecht 428 ()
- Reviewing Basil S. Markesinis, 10 Zeitschrift für Europäisches Privatrecht () (reviewing Basil S. Markensinis, Always on the Same Path. Essays on Foreign Law and Comparative Methodology, Volume II (2001))
- Reviewing Klaus Adomeit & Guillermo Frhbeck, 18 Informaciones 103 () (reviewing Klaus Adomeit & Guillermo Frünbeck, Einführung in das spanische Recht: Das Verfassungs-, Zivil-, Wirtschafts- und Arbeitsrecht des Königreichs Spanien (2d ed. 1999))
- Reviewing Sylvia Sella-Geusen, 10 Zeitschrift für Europäisches Privatrecht 423 () (reviewing Sylvia Sella-Geusen, Doppelverkauf – Zur Rechtsstellung des ersten Käufers im gelehrten Recht des Mittelalters (1999))
- Three Paradigms of Legal Unification National, International, Transnational, 96 ASIL Proceedings 333-36 ()
- Globale Wirtschaft und lokale Gesetzgebung Zu einem neuen Urteil des US Supreme Court, 100 Zeitschrift für vergleichende Rechtswissenschaft 182 ()
- Grundlagen eines allgemeinen gemeinschaftlichen Richtlinienkollisionsrechts "Amerikanisierung" des Gemeinschafts-IPR?, 12 () (with Hans-Georg Kamann)
- Reviewing, 48 Netherlands International Law Review 108 () (reviewing Yearbook of Private International Law, Volume I-1999 (Petar Šarèeviæ & Paul Volken eds., 1999))
- Reviewing, 9 Zeitschrift für Europäisches Privatrecht 425 () (reviewing The Law of Obligations – Essays in Celebration of John Fleming (Peter Cane & Jane Stapleton eds., 1998))
- Reviewing Peter A. Reichart, 65 Rabels Zeitschrift für ausländisches und internationales Privatrecht 320 () (reviewing Peter A. Reichart, Der Renvoi im schweizerischen IPR (1996) and Hans Kuhn, Der Renvoi im internationalen Erbrecht der Schweiz (1998))
- Reviewing Tony Weir, 65 Rabels Zeitschrift für ausländisches und internationales Privatrecht 351 () (reviewing Tony Weir, Economic Torts (1997))
- Standortwettbewerb als Rechtsfigur, Kritische Justiz 351 ()
- Echo, 1998 Juristische Schulung 192, 2000 Juristische Schulung 936 ()
- Pragmatismus und Realismus fr die Haager Verhandlungen zu einem weltweiten Gerichtsstands- und Vollstreckungsbereinkommen, 25 () (with Arthur T. von Mehren)
- Anerkennung internationaler Schiedssprche und ordre public Anm zu OGH 23.2.1998 3 Ob 115/95, ZfRV 1999, 24 [Enforcement of International Arbitration Awards and ordre public], 40 Zeitschrift für Rechtsvergleichung 5 ()
- My Own Private Switzerland, 7 Zeitschrift für Europisches Privatrecht 197 ()
- Privatautonomie und Privatkodifikation Zu Anwendbarkeit und Geltung Allgemeiner Vertragsrechtsprinzipien, 62 Rabels Zeitschrift für Auslndisches und Internationales Privatrecht 580-626 ()
- Reviewing Heinrich Nagel & Peter Gottwald, 6 Zeitschrift für Europäisches Privatrecht 1050 () (reviewing Heinrich Nagel & Peter Gottwald Internationales Zivilprozeßrecht (4th ed.1997))
- Sharp Distinctions and Floating Transitions: a German View of <em>Sharp v. Thompson</em> (House of Lords), 1997 European Review of Private Law 407 ()
- Vorzeitiger Erbausgleich und internationales Privatrecht, 18 192-196 ()
- Der Abbruch der Weiterverweisung im deutschen internationalen Privatrecht, 61 ()
- Europisches Verbraucherschutzrecht und IPR, 52 () (with Hans-Georg Kamann)
- Schiffsglubigerrecht und Auslandsveruerung Anmerkung zu BGH, TranspR 1997, 156 [Security Rights in Ships Sold Abroad], 20 Transportrecht 330 ()
- Reviewing, 64 Rabels Zeitschrift für ausländisches und internationales Privatrecht 177 () (reviewing Cordula Thoms, Einzelstatut bricht Gesamtstatut. Zur Auslegung der "besonderen Vorschriften" in Art. 3 Abs. 3 EGBGB (Studien zum ausländischen und internationalen Privatrecht 51) (1996))
Issues Edited
- Symposium on Legal Origins, American Journal of Comparative Law (Fall )
- The Annual Herbert L. Bernstein Memorial Lecture in Comparative Law: The First Six Years 2002-2007, CICLOPS (Center for International & Comparative Law Occasional Papers) () (Center for International & Comparative Law Occasional Papers) (with Stephen Bornick)
- Beyond the State? Rethinking Private Law, American Journal of Comparative Law (Summer ) (with Nils Jansen)
- Transdisciplinary Conflicts, Law & Contemporary Problems (Summer ) (with others)
Newspaper Articles and Commentary
- Climate Change Denial and the Rise of Authoritarianism, Huffington Post ()
- The First Faithful Elector, Huffington Post ()
- Donald Trump's Cry for Love, Huffington Post ()
- Mister Trump, Please Say You Condemn Violence Against Your Opponent, Huffington Post ()
- The Silence of Justice Thomas is Overrated, Huffington Post ()
- Donald Trump Does Not Want to be President, Huffington Post Politics ()
- Throwing Away the Respect of Mankind, Huffington Post ()
- George W. Schrder (Op-ed), Der Tagesspiegel ()