JD/Master in Global Business Law Degree Requirements
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- Enrollment in the JD/Master program is subject to availability of spaces as established by Sciences Po. Assuming spaces are available, no more than two students from Duke Law School may attend the JD/Master year in Paris during the same academic year.
- JD students enrolling in the JD/Master must complete at least two-thirds of the credits required for the degree at Duke. JD/LLM or other dual degree applicants who wish to receive the dual degree plus the JD/Master must also complete the additional requirements for the dual degree at Duke. While the JD/Master can be earned in three years, additional requirements for the LLM (or other degree) must be earned in the semester(s) following the award of the JD/Master.
- All students enrolling in the JD/Master must complete any academic requirements for graduation, such as the ethics component, while at Duke. Read about the JD degree requirements. Students intending to apply to the JD/Master program should be aware that they cannot receive credit for courses offered by Sciences Po that are substantially the same as courses they have taken at Duke. Students should therefore review the courses offered by Sciences Po and select upperclass courses at Duke accordingly. Course topics at Sciences Po include, among others, international business transactions and contracts, the World Trade Organization, international finance, international arbitration, intellectual property, and fundamentals of the French legal system.
- Students may receive a maximum of 28 academic credits towards the JD degree for course work satisfactorily completed in Paris. The ABA requires a student to be in class for 700 minutes per credit hour received. Satisfactory completion as required by Sciences Po of the course work in Paris will also allow students to receive a Master degree from Sciences Po.
- The student’s proposed course of study in Paris must be approved by the International Studies office prior to the conclusion of the academic year before the student intends to study in Paris.
- Credit toward the Duke JD degree will be awarded only for courses taken in Paris earning a grade of 2.1 (equivalent to "C" in a letter based grading system) or higher.
- Tuition will be paid to Duke Law School, and the student will be responsible for all other expenses, including travel, special fees, health insurance, etc. Financial aid questions can be addressed to John Ahlers, Director of Financial Aid. The Sciences-Po Alumni Association USA offers a scholarship for American law students studying in the JD/Master program.
- Students must have a valid passport and will be responsible for handling their own visa applications. Before applying for a visa, students must register with Campus France. Students are also responsible for securing housing arrangements at the exchange site.
- Proof of medical insurance coverage (either Duke or an equivalent insurance policy) will be required by the host institution.
- At the conclusion of the study in Paris, the student will need to arrange to have an official transcript submitted to the Law School Registrar’s Office no later than the Tuesday before graduation. Students will also be required to write an evaluation of the JD/Master program before graduation. The evaluation should be filed with James Lambert and should include the following information: a) an evaluative description of the Master program, the courses taken in Paris, the facilities of Sciences Po, and the resources available to visiting students; b) an analysis of how the study abroad program met the student’s educational and professional objectives; and c) recommendations for future students interested in the JD/Master.