224.01 International Banking Regulation

International banking regulation has acquired more importance than ever in the wake of the global financial crisis, the commitment by the United States and other leading nations to concerted action to restructure, tighten and modernize transnational bank regulation, and the new prominence of the G20 as a central forum for the promotion and coordination of comprehensive financial regulatory reform.International banking regulation will review:the growth of international banking and the relationship of law and regulation to this industry;the evolution of international forums and regulatory organizations;the major domestic systems of bank regulation and their interaction with the international regime, including US regulation of foreign bank operations and the foreign operations of US banks;the leading models of foreign supervision and regulation of transnational banking;primary concerns for regulating international banking activity, including bank entry and exit, systemic risk, sovereign & political risk, LDC debt, development finance, secrecy, laundering, terrorism & other crime, and sovereign wealth funds.The course grade will be based on attendance, class performance and a final examination.

Spring 2012

Course Number Course Credits Evaluation Method Instructor
Course Credits
Lawrence G. Baxter
Degree Requirements